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KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP        CARMA #7-25      API #: 123-25066
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Document IdentifierClassDocument NumberDocument NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12325066Well Logs1297318GR CCL Cement Bond VDL178552009/9/2009Download
12325066Well Logs1297319Comp. Photo Density Dual Spaced Neutron Log25918849/25/2009Download
12325066Well Logs1297320Micro Resistivity Log50417529/25/2009Download
12325066Well Logs1297321Compact Triple Combo Quicklook Log47638149/21/2009Download
12325066Well Logs1297322Hole Volume Log77769669/29/2009Download
12325066Well Logs400744555CEMENT BOND685751412/3/2014Download