Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
07505277 Wells 204033 lease172746 07/15/1994 Download
07505277 Wells 204075 sundry notice101932 02/21/1955 Download
07505277 Wells 204038 correspondence154099 11/16/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204028 sundry notice35627 04/09/1990 Download
07505277 Wells 853370 Well Abandonment Report818525 06/30/2000 Download
07505277 Wells 204009 correspondence14466 11/28/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204018 water analysis report142014 11/17/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204025 sundry notice35448 09/15/1993 Download
07505277 Wells 204024 lease inspection51050 05/06/1994 Download
07505277 Wells 204026 certificate of clearance form39510 03/30/1993 Download
07505277 Wells 204031 note4333 05/19/1970 Download
07505277 Wells 204074 well log63918 11/07/1952 Download
07505277 Wells 204030 certificate of clearance form32014 05/14/1970 Download
07505277 Wells 204037 receipt132533 09/27/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204017 correspondence21079 09/25/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204032 memo539648 11/09/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204076 intent to abandon45186 05/02/1956 Download
07505277 Wells 204007 sundry notice38506 05/03/1994 Download
07505277 Wells 204035 intent to drill43072 02/01/1952 Download
07505277 Wells 204023 field inspection29172 08/28/1995 Download
07505277 Wells 204029 certificate of clearance form38417 07/18/1988 Download
07505277 Wells 204034 well log53638 10/30/1953 Download
07505277 Wells 204011 well info31023 10/18/1989 Download
07505277 Wells 204027 report of abandon35029 09/08/1992 Download
07505277 Wells 204010 correspondence35076 10/18/1989 Download