Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
06106066 Wells 692075 correspondence17704 01/21/1970 Download
06106066 Wells 692076 bond35938 07/17/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692080 application for permit to drill51322 07/17/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692077 well abandonment39594 08/19/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692081 certificate of survey23210 07/28/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692079 intent to abandon21016 08/17/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692073 field inspection report41745 04/02/1999 Download
06106066 Wells 692074 correspondence13661 01/22/1970 Download
06106066 Wells 692082 driller's log25327 10/23/1969 Download
06106066 Wells 692078 well completion/recompletion report60468 10/23/1969 Download
06106066 Well Logs 914995 LATEROLOG11252678 04/25/2001 Download
06106066 Well Logs 1669318 SIDEWALL NEUTRON POROSITY LOG  08/17/1969 Download
06106066 Well Logs 1669319 SIDEWALL NEUTRON POROSITY LOG  08/17/1969 Download