Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
06106052 Wells 652725 application for permit54547 12/05/1968 Download
06106052 Wells 652723 plugging record36099 01/23/1969 Download
06106052 Wells 652726 intent to abandon18871 01/07/1969 Download
06106052 Wells 652724 well completion59959 01/23/1969 Download
06106052 Wells 652727 survey18852 12/05/1968 Download
06106052 Wells 652729 well site inspection25261 01/30/1992 Download
06106052 Wells 652728 intent to drill21906 11/29/1968 Download
06106052 Well Logs 1669279 DUAL INDUCTION / LATEROLOG  01/06/1969 Download
06106052 Well Logs 1669280 BOREHOLE COMPENSATED SONIC LOG / GAMMA RAY  01/06/1969 Download
06106052 Well Logs 1669281 SONIC AMPLITUDE  01/06/1969 Download
06106052 Well Logs 1669287 SIDEWALL NEUTRON POROSITY LOG  01/06/1969 Download