Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12318805 Wells 36015 correspondence29623 11/08/1994 Download
12318805 Wells 36016 return receipt16194 11/08/1994 Download
12310904 Wells 29644 application for permit to drill39541 11/08/1994 Download
12310201 Wells 1069557 Map/Document Operators Leasehold43101 11/08/1994 Download
06708003 Wells 647553 survey29697 11/08/1994 Download
12318804 Wells 41037 correspondence29680 11/08/1994 Download
04506970 Wells 448859 topo map81207 11/08/1994 Download
12318014 Wells 138847 field inspection27721 11/08/1994 Download
03906353 Wells 394194 well information12697 11/08/1994 Download
04506822 Wells 445942 Certificate of Clearance45237 11/08/1994 Download
10309774 Wells 389281 topo map84188 11/08/1994 Download
12318784 Wells 211867 plat map46066 11/08/1994 Download
12318716 Wells 500178048 field inspection26352 11/08/1994 Download
12307282 Wells 854337 location pictures122839 11/08/1994 Download
10308617 Wells 361566 certification of clearance41642 11/08/1994 Download
08708066 Wells 127051 well site inspection form27296 11/08/1994 Download
12318014 Wells 138851 sundry notice44920 11/08/1994 Download
01306458 Wells 52141 well completion48789 11/08/1994 Download
12307282 Wells 854338 location pictures85615 11/08/1994 Download
12315325 Wells 116924 application to drill1034893 11/08/1994 Download
01409180 Wells 328320 sundry notice67492 11/08/1994 Download
10309774 Wells 389282 plat map22074 11/08/1994 Download
04506950 Wells 447809 map91987 11/08/1994 Download
04506193 Wells 474513 sundry notice40461 11/08/1994 Download
04506951 Wells 447603 map84262 11/08/1994 Download