Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
117710 Facilities 657757 Letter from Phillips Oil to COGCC16272 10/30/1984 Download
12311479 Wells 184338 well completion44474 10/30/1984 Download
12507060 Wells 603685 logarithmic106605 10/30/1984 Download
06706630 Wells 614922 well information25710 10/30/1984 Download
12507060 Wells 603683 well completion89891 10/30/1984 Download
12105660 Wells 400841 pressure log105979 10/30/1984 Download
12311479 Wells 184340 job log52303 10/30/1984 Download
06906224 Wells 274168 well completion56449 10/30/1984 Download
00107940 Wells 320128 ngpa application38939 10/30/1984 Download
06705778 Wells 671540 well completion54178 10/30/1984 Download
06705345 Wells 584034 certification of clearance32742 10/30/1984 Download
12312085 Wells 218874 application for permit58248 10/30/1984 Download
06906233 Wells 271637 application for permit70942 10/30/1984 Download
12110101 Wells 232331 intent to abandon25676 10/30/1984 Download
12312079 Wells 187924 well site inspection24018 10/30/1984 Download
06906224 Wells 274169 certification of clearance form30799 10/30/1984 Download
03306096 Wells 602018 survey18359 10/30/1984 Download
12507061 Wells 603803 logarithmic106163 10/30/1984 Download
04906030 Wells 119178 sundry notice35360 10/30/1984 Download
12312085 Wells 218873 topo map37646 10/30/1984 Download
06706705 Wells 539334 lease inspection30769 10/30/1984 Download
04106035 Wells 532017 well site inspection108969 10/30/1984 Download
12311810 Wells 194953 producer's certificate of clearance36844 10/30/1984 Download
12311585 Wells 184363 Well Completion67258 10/30/1984 Download
12312032 Wells 374122 well site inspection/application for permit64246 10/30/1984 Download