Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
06708334 Wells 1338333 Completed Interval Report58443 09/19/2001 Download
06708394 Wells 1096174 Completed Interval Report53229 09/19/2001 Download
12310524 Wells 907108 drilling completion report86105 09/19/2001 Download
04507606 Wells 1096191 Certification of Clearance/Change of Operator52627 09/19/2001 Download
06708334 Wells 1166204 Wellbore Diagram34481 09/19/2001 Download
05706404 Wells 896374 Sundry Notice101506 09/19/2001 Download
12508413 Wells 1041692 Location Photo38927 09/19/2001 Download
00108085 Wells 1070615 Soil Analysis Report Form448427 09/19/2001 Download
04507584 Wells 1096184 Completed Interval Report91256 09/19/2001 Download
04507858 Wells 1129951 Wellbore Diagram12344 09/19/2001 Download
12317638 Wells 907102 completed interval39364 09/19/2001 Download
00109448 Wells 1067125 Sundry Notice36848 09/19/2001 Download
12315309 Wells 907146 certification of clearance90183 09/19/2001 Download
04507584 Wells 1096185 Certification of Clearance/Change of Operator57170 09/19/2001 Download
12317927 Wells 907106 completed interval40366 09/19/2001 Download
08106996 Wells 907063 Well Completion Report56676 09/19/2001 Download
06708357 Wells 1216728 Wellbore Diagram35096 09/19/2001 Download
12320177 Wells 907125 drilling completion report86995 09/19/2001 Download
12315309 Wells 907145 completed interval report83294 09/19/2001 Download
04507849 Wells 1096177 Sundry Notice163369 09/19/2001 Download
08106972 Wells 1069905 sundry notice44222 09/19/2001 Download
04507657 Wells 1096180 Drilling Completion Report146289 09/19/2001 Download
12320064 Wells 907140 completed interval report111892 09/19/2001 Download
04507830 Wells 1064148 true vertical depth103347 09/19/2001 Download
00107494 Wells 1070613 Soil Analysis Report Form995387 09/19/2001 Download