Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12308354 Wells 643487 certificate of survey23451 04/16/1975 Download
12308188 Wells 661704 correspondence199324 04/16/1975 Download
06706074 Wells 672501 sundry75564 04/16/1975 Download
12308383 Wells 36224 intent to drill21984 04/16/1975 Download
12308365 Wells 23042 plat survey19412 04/16/1975 Download
06706070 Wells 647722 certification35100 04/16/1975 Download
06706070 Wells 647724 well completion65130 04/16/1975 Download
12308351 Wells 81503 well completion49880 04/16/1975 Download
00506228 Wells 423203 sundry notice34394 04/16/1975 Download
00106874 Wells 356017 well completion/recompletion report59504 04/16/1975 Download
12308355 Wells 588624 sundry notice34795 04/16/1975 Download
03906156 Wells 472968 well completion report42958 04/16/1975 Download
12308382 Wells 31714 verbal notic of intention to drill26971 04/16/1975 Download
06706074 Wells 672502 sundry68196 04/16/1975 Download
12308373 Wells 640686 survey24479 04/16/1975 Download
12308364 Wells 30126 survey22163 04/16/1975 Download
03906156 Wells 472972 correspondence22662 04/16/1975 Download
01706080 Wells 553832 correspondence686544 04/16/1975 Download
03906013 Wells 453031 invoice109869 04/16/1975 Download
12308258 Wells 570568 sundry notice37701 04/16/1975 Download
03906156 Wells 472967 well abandonment38904 04/16/1975 Download
12308351 Wells 81502 well abandonment36084 04/16/1975 Download
12308382 Wells 31711 application for permit to drill62409 04/16/1975 Download
00106957 Wells 308216 dual completion exhibit20759 04/16/1975 Download
00506687 Wells 422497 survey20239 04/16/1975 Download