Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
116299 Facilities 684635 MEMORANDUM26898 02/14/1974 Download
00106698 Wells 347238 sundry notice38552 02/14/1974 Download
01706142 Wells 498309 certificate of survey40662 02/14/1974 Download
08706755 Wells 1072775 monthly report of operations65520 02/14/1974 Download
00106800 Wells 340844 application65284 02/14/1974 Download
00106724 Wells 347255 certificate of clearance35235 02/14/1974 Download
12308004 Wells 55132 application for permit57680 02/14/1974 Download
00506636 Wells 420375 well completion56725 02/14/1974 Download
00506647 Wells 387941 certificate of survey17159 02/14/1974 Download
12108852 Wells 6658 well plugged and abandon31361 02/14/1974 Download
00106720 Wells 339564 plat map43220 02/14/1974 Download
05706087 Wells 272823 log1353736 02/14/1974 Download
00106733 Wells 352300 sundry notices36292 02/14/1974 Download
00506654 Wells 393560 application for permit68196 02/14/1974 Download
12108852 Wells 6659 well completion report46955 02/14/1974 Download
12308005 Wells 262775 application for permit58559 02/14/1974 Download
12108872 Wells 362882 application for permit to drill57053 02/14/1974 Download
1-73 Hearings 728608 BLM decision45206 02/14/1974 Download
00506654 Wells 393559 survey16904 02/14/1974 Download
12108871 Wells 415412 certificate of survey28370 02/14/1974 Download
01706142 Wells 498308 application for permit to drill54968 02/14/1974 Download
00506636 Wells 420376 well abandonment40259 02/14/1974 Download
12108873 Wells 391446 application for permit to drill61421 02/14/1974 Download
120141 Facilities 1727613 ASSIGNMENT388349 02/14/1974 Download
12307972 Wells 50000112 WELL COMPLETION REPORT  02/14/1974 Download