Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
06106350 Wells 626561 well site inspection25089 01/05/1993 Download
12314264 Wells 577378 certification of clearance46117 01/05/1993 Download
12316374 Wells 139862 sundry notice39163 01/05/1993 Download
12317900 Wells 147316 facsimile transmission16509 01/05/1993 Download
06706126 Wells 671697 wells by operator w/ pa inspection results360825 01/05/1993 Download
12317886 Wells 641995 correspondence18233 01/05/1993 Download
12315914 Wells 626907 certification of clearance44458 01/05/1993 Download
12317885 Wells 641977 correspondence18782 01/05/1993 Download
06707873 Wells 527565 certification of clearance51014 01/05/1993 Download
12316063 Wells 605901 certification of clearance45844 01/05/1993 Download
01306061 Wells 61917 well completion84960 01/05/1993 Download
12316675 Wells 115215 topographic map41103 01/05/1993 Download
12316685 Wells 172516 correspondence30946 01/05/1993 Download
10309560 Wells 662603 abandonment40481 01/05/1993 Download
12315988 Wells 612075 certification of clearance97352 01/05/1993 Download
07708654 Wells 484190 well profile29451 01/05/1993 Download
01306069 Wells 62194 well completion81041 01/05/1993 Download
12308440 Wells 587798 certification of clearance46642 01/05/1993 Download
12313629 Wells 134234 certification of clearance52426 01/05/1993 Download
00108844 Wells 328025 certification of clearance42506 01/05/1993 Download
12507274 Wells 318056 nat gas category determination130925 01/05/1993 Download
06706210 Wells 529301 correspondence/bradenhead test report208791 01/05/1993 Download
12315668 Wells 181567 natural gas category determination57040 01/05/1993 Download
12316069 Wells 606013 certification of clearance46056 01/05/1993 Download
12314264 Wells 577379 well completion91072 01/05/1993 Download