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KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP        BALLINGER #21-18      API #: 123-23612
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Document IdentifierClassDocument NumberDocument NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12323612Well Logs1390970Platform Exprs. Micro Log Gamma Ray80247826/15/2006Download
12323612Well Logs1365907CEMENT BOND GR CCL LOG87869789/1/2006Download
12323612Well Logs1390952Platform Exprs. Caliper Log16178246/15/2006Download
12323612Well Logs1390955PLATFORM EXPRESS COMPENSATED NEUTRON LITHO DENSITY134630088/23/2006Download
12323612Well Logs1365906MUD LOG14402138/31/2006Download
12323612Well Logs1390956PLATFORM EXPRESS ARRAY INDUCTION W/LINEAR CORRELATION112462268/23/2006Download