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KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP        RADEMACHER #9-25A      API #: 123-20759
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Document IdentifierClassDocument NumberDocument NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12320759Well Logs1330282COMPENSATED DENISTY/NEUTRON/ GAMMA RAY28131936/19/2003Download
12320759Well Logs1212598CEMENT BOND/GAMMA RAY/CCL LOG45991216/19/2003Download
12320759Well Logs1330281DUAL INDUCTION/ GAURD LOG/ GAMMA RAY33992936/19/2003Download
12320759Well Logs1212599MUD LOG60154612/17/2002Download
12320759Well Logs2138096CEMENT BOND LOG 0131202040917822/3/2020Download
12320759Well Logs402369650CEMENT BOND LOG53699984/13/2020Download