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Facility TypeFacility ID/
Facility Name/
Operator Name/
StatusField Name/
LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
LOCATION428103Melbon Ranch
17H-M265 Pad
WELD  123
SWSW 17 2N65W 6
428103View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
OGLAForm: (02A )
The Approved Form 2A permit will be posted at the location during construction, drilling, and completions operations.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02A )
Best Management Practice for a Horizontal Wellbore Fracturing Stimulation 1. At least seven (7) days prior to fracture stimulation, the operator is to notify all operators of non-operated wells within 300 feet of the wellbore to be fracture stimulated of the anticipated date stimulation date and the recommended best management practice to shut-in all wells within 300’ of the stimulated wellbore completed in the same formation. 2. The operator will monitor the bradenhead pressure of all wells within 300 feet of the well to be fracture stimulated. 3. Bradenhead pressure gauges are to be installed 24 hours prior to stimulation. The gauges are to read at least once during every 24-hour period until 24-hours after stimulation is completed (post flowback). The gauges are to be of the type able to read current pressure and record the maximum encountered pressure in a 24-hour period. The gauge is to be reset between each 24-hour period. The pressures are to be recorded and saved. 4. If at any time during stimulation or the 24-hour post-stimulation period, the bradenhead annulus pressure of the treatment well or offset wells increases more than 200 psig, as per Rule 341, the operator of the well being stimulated shall verbally notify the Director as soon as practicable, but no later than twenty-four (24) hours following the incident. Within fifteen (15) days after the occurrence, the operator shall submit a Sundry Notice, Form 4, giving all details, including corrective actions taken.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02A )
Prior to drilling operations, Operator will perform an anti-collision scan of existing offset wells that have the potential of being within close proximity of the proposed well. This anti-collision scan will include definitive MWD or gyro surveys of the offset wells with included error of uncertainty per survey instrument, and compared against the proposed wellpath with its respective error of uncertainty. If current surveys do not exist for the offset wells, Operator may have gyro surveys conducted to verify bottomhole location. The proposed well will only be drilled if the anti-collision scan results indicate that there is not a risk for collision, or harm to people or the environment. For the proposed well, upon conclusion of drilling operations, an as-constructed gyro survey will be submitted to COGCC with the Form 5.
General HousekeepingForm: (02A )
Crestone will identify plugged and abandoned wellbores according to Rule 319.a.(5). including the location of the wellbore with a permanent monument as specified in Rule 319.a.(5). Crestone will also inscribe or imbed the well number and date of plugging upon the permanent monument.
General HousekeepingForm: (02A )
Flammable liquids shall not be stored within fifty (50) feet of the wellbore, except for the fuel in the tanks of operating equipment or supply for injections pumps. Where terrain and location configuration do not permit maintaining this distance, equivalent safety measures should be taken.
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02A )
Crestone will comply with COGCC Rule 1002.f.(2). by utilizing BMPs at the oil and gas location to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, site degradation and protects surface waters. Examples of engineering controls that could be used when needed are: Surface roughening Silt fence Erosion control blanket Temporary slope drain Temporary outlet protection Sediment control log Vehicle tracking control Sediment trap Stabilized staging area
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02A )
1. Integrity testing of flowlines connecting wellheads to the separators: CONSTRUCTION PHASE: The flowlines that Crestone uses are designed/constructed/tested to ASME B31.3/4/8 and API 1104 standards. Only materials with Material Test Reports (MTRs) provided by the pipeline supplier are used in the construction of the flowlines. Construction is tested with 100% x-ray and goes through hydrotest per the applicable B31-code. OPERATIONS PHASE: Pressure testing of the flowlines is conducted on an annual basis. Additionally, Crestone is already in compliance with 1104.i. Continuous Pressure Monitoring Requirements of the 1100 Series Flowline Regulations. Crestone utilizes a series of standard operating procedures to define our flowline integrity testing program. 2. Frequency on valve and fitting inspections: Crestone Lease Operators inspect all equipment on their locations at a minimum of once every 48 hours, but most sites are inspected every 24 hours. Valves and fittings inspections are part of the daily job duties of our lease operators. Any valve or fitting that is found to be leaking is either repaired immediately by the lease operator or shut-in procedures are implemented as described below. Additionally, lease operators conduct a documented monthly inspection of the facility and this includes inspection of all valves and fittings. 3. Description of Lease Operator Inspections, Monthly Documented Inspections & Environmental Inspections: The Crestone lease operator inspections are done as a routine part of the lease operators job. The lease operator would typically visit each of their assigned locations daily. They conduct a visual inspection of the facility which includes all valves, fittings, wellhead, tanks, vapor control systems and all connections. The lease operator also checks our Cygnet automation system for system pressures and flows. Pressure and flow sensors are placed on multiple points throughout the system and are specifically designed to measure the system for irregularities that would indicate a leak in the system or change in production of oil, water, or gas. The Cygnet system is also set-up with alarms that are triggered by anomalous pressure or flows. Low pressure warnings can activate automatic shut-in of the well and system. The monthly documented inspection is done using an electronic form that is recorded in the EU system. This thorough inspection and documentation requires the lease operator to inspect all aspects of the site and then triggers work orders for any leaks, or housekeeping issues. This inspection would note any leaks of either gas or fluids which triggers an immediate repair or shut-in. The Lease operators also conduct a weekly CDPHE Regulation 7 – Audible, Visual, and Olfactory (AVO)inspection, which focus on the tanks and vapor control system. The Regulation 7 AVO is also a documented inspection. In addition, the sites are inspected with optical gas imaging cameras on a routine schedule, annually for compliance purposes with our Spill Prevention Containment and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan, depending on the status of reclamation the sites are also inspected on either a 14-day, 30-day, annual or rain triggered event in accordance with both the COGCC and the CDPHE Stormwater Management Plans (SWMP). 4. Measures for when leaks are discovered: • If we suspect a leak we shut in the well and hydrotest the line. If it passes, then the well is brought back onto production. • If there is an actual leak, well is kept shut in while leak is found and fixed. Not until the line has passed hydrotesting, would the well be brought back online.
Dust controlForm: (02A )
Crestone Peak Resources places road base, rock and recycled asphalt to assist with dust abatement. During construction, drilling, completions and reclamations phases, Crestone monitors each site and if needed we will run water trucks.
ConstructionForm: (02A )
Operator will have an MLVT Design Package, certified and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, which is on file in their office and available upon request. The site shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the design package prior to tank installation; including ensuring that proper compaction requirements have been met. The MLVT will be at least 75 feet from a wellhead, fired vessel, heater-treater, or a compressor with a rating of 200 horsepower or more. It will be placed at least 50 feet from a separator, well test unit, or other non-fired equipment. All liner seams will be welded and tested in accordance with applicable ASTM international standards. Operator will be present during initial filling of the MLVT and the contractor will supervise and inspect the MLVT for leaks during filling. Operator will comply with the testing and re-inspection requirements and associated written standard operating procedures (SOP) listed on the design package. Signs will be posted on the MLVT indicating that the contents are freshwater. The MLVT will be operated with a minimum of 1 foot of freeboard at all times. Access to the MLVT will be limited to operational personnel and authorized regulatory agency personnel. Operator or contractor will conduct daily visual inspections of the exterior wall and surrounding area for integrity deficiencies. Operator will have a contingency plan/emergency response plan associated with the MLVT and it is on file at their office. A fabric reinforced liner will be utilized. In the event that a tank breach were to occur, the fabric reinforced liner will prevent a “zippering” failure from occurring. The liner will meet the specifications per the design package. Operator acknowledges and will comply with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Policy on the Use of Modular Large Volume Tanks in Colorado dated June 13, 2014.
Noise mitigationForm: (02A )
Crestone will perform a baseline noise survey prior to any operational activity measuring dBA at a distance 350 feet from the noise source or sound levels will be measured at a point twenty-five (25) feet from the structure towards the noise source. In situations where measurement of noise levels at three hundred and fifty (350) feet is impractical or unrepresentative due to topography, the measurement may be taken at a lesser distance and extrapolated to a 350-foot equivalent using the formula stated in Rule 802 of the State of Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission. As necessary, based on the survey, Crestone will install temporary sound walls to minimize noise and light impacts during drilling and completions and will install permanent noise mitigation at the facility location as necessary to meet all COGCC regulations.
Emissions mitigationForm: (02A )
Green Completions -Test separators and associated flow lines, sand traps and emission control systems shall be installed on-site to accommodate green completions techniques. When commercial quantities of salable quality gas are achieved at each well, the gas shall be immediately directed to a sales line or shut in and conserved. If a sales line is unavailable or other conditions prevent placing the gas into a sales line, the operator shall not produce the wells without an approved variance per Rule 805.b.(3)C.
Odor mitigationForm: (02A )
Crestone operations will be in compliance with the Department of Public Health and Environment, Air Quality Control Commission, Regulation No. 2 Odor Emission, 5 C.C.R. 1001-4, Regulation No. 3 (5 C.C.R. 1001-5), and Regulation No. 7 Section XVII.B.1 (a-c) and Section XII. Where possible, drilling rig and completion equipment engine exhaust will be directed away from occupied buildings to assist in mitigating potential odors. As necessary, Crestone may utilize chemical additives during drilling operations to mitigate odor impacts. Sealed tanks with pressure relief valves and emissions controls will be utilized for the production facilities.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02A )
Guy line anchors in the DJ Basin are not installed. Crestone will use an engineered base beam that we guy wire anchor the derricks to.