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Facility TypeFacility ID/
Facility Name/
Operator Name/
StatusField Name/
LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
WELL05-001-09864Schaefer LD
ADAMS  001
SWSE 24 1S67W 6
440718View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (02 )
1)Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU for the first well activity with a rig on the pad and provide 48 hour spud notice for all subsequent wells drilled on the pad. 2) Comply with Rule 317.i and provide cement coverage from end of 7” casing to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with cement bond log.
PermitForm: (02 )
If conductors are preset, Operator shall comply with Notice to Operators: Procedures for Preset Conductors (dated September 1, 2016, revised October 6, 2016).
PermitForm: (02 )
Operator shall comply with Notice to Operators: Interim Reclamation Procedures for Delayed Operation (dated January 5, 2017).
PermitForm: (02 )
Operator will ensure the wellbore beyond the unit boundary setback is physically isolated and is not completed. In the Operator Comments on the Form 5A the operator will (1) report the footages from the section lines of the bottom of the completed interval, (2) describe how the wellbore beyond the unit boundary setback is physically isolated, and (3) certify that none of the wellbore beyond the setback was completed.
PermitForm: (02 )
This Permit to Drill is approved subject to all the BMPs and COAs on the most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequently approved Form 4 for the Oil and Gas Location (Location ID #440718). The most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequent Form 4s containing applicable COAs for this location shall be posted onsite during construction, drilling, and completions operations.
EngineerForm: (02 )
1) Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU (spud notice) for the first well activity with a rig on the pad and provide 48 hour spud notice via Form 42 for all subsequent wells drilled on the pad. 2) Comply with Rule 317.j. and provide cement coverage from TD to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with cement bond log. 3) Oil-based drilling fluid is to be used only after setting surface casing. Bradenhead tests shall be performed and reported according to the following schedule and Form 17 submitted within 10 days of each test: 1) Within 60 days of rig release, prior to stimulation. If any pressure greater than 200 psi, must contact COGCC engineer prior to stimulation. 2) 6 months after rig release, prior to stimulation (delayed completions). 3) Within 30 days of first production, as reported on Form 5A.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
PlanningForm: (02 )
Development from existing well pads: In order to reduce surface disturbance, Ward is permitting this 2A for twelve (16) wells.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
Guy Line Anchors: All guy line anchors left buried for future use will be identified by a marker of bright color not less than four feet in height and not greater than one foot east of the guy line anchor.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
Removal of Surface Trash: Ward agrees that all trash, refuse pipe, equipment, liquids, chemicals of other materials that are not necessary for the continued operations of the wells will be removed and disposed of no later than 30 days after completion. No such items will be burned or buried on location.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
Leak Detection Plan: To ensure protection for the surface during fracturing treatment, the location will be specifically constructed to contain any releases or spills. Secondary containment from any chemical spills or leaks will surround any trucks that carry, mix, or add chemicals to the flow stream as well as connections that could possibly leak fluid. Should any spill or release occur, every reasonable step will be taken to quickly remediate the area disturbed.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
Control of Fire Hazards: Ward and its contractor’s employ best management practices during the drilling and production of its wells and facilities. They will comply with appropriate COGCC and any county rules concerning fire and safety. Ward will ensure that any flammable material will remain no less than 25 feet from the wellhead (s), tanks and separator(s).
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
Berm Construction: A containment berm will be constructed around the oil and water storage tanks. The berm will be inspected regularly and maintained in good condition.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
Tank specifications: Tanks shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with the National Fire Protection Association Code 30 (2008 version). All tanks will be visually inspected once a day for issues. Recorded inspections will be conducted once a month pursuant to 40 CFR §112.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Closed Loop System: Closed Loop System will be used for drilling and fluid management. No reserve pit will be used.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with open-hole Resistivity Log and Gamma Ray Log from the kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured-while-drilling gamma-ray log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for a well without open-hole logs shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall clearly identify (by API#, well name & number) the well in which open-hole logs were run.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Green Completions: Emission Control Systems. Test separators and associated flow lines and sand traps shall be installed on-site to accommodate Green completion techniques pursuant to COGCC Rules.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
BOPE Testing: Upon initial rig-up and once every 30 days during drilling operations, pressure testing of the casing string and each component of the BOPE will be performed to 70% of working pressure or 70% of the internal yield of the casing, whichever is less.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
BOPE for well servicing operations: Adequate blowout prevention equipment will be used on any servicing operations associated with this well. Backup staving valves shall be required on well servicing operations during reverse circulation. Valves will be pressure tested before each well servicing operation using both low-pressure and high-pressure fluid.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
BOPE: Ward will utilize drilling rigs with a minimum of a double ram and annular preventer.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Drill Stem Tests: Drill Stem Tests are not anticipated for this location.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Pit Level Indicators: Pit Level Indicators will not be needed as no pits will be used on location.
Final ReclamationForm: (02 )
Identification of Plugged and Abandoned Wells: Pursuant to Rule 319.a.(5)., once the well has been plugged and abandoned, Ward will identify the location of the wellbore with a permanent monument that will detail the well name and date of plugging.
Final ReclamationForm: (02 )
Well site cleared. Within 90 days subsequent to the time of plugging and abandonment of the entire site, superfluous debris and equipment shall be removed from the site.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Drill stem tests (Rule 604.c.(2)L Conventional drill stem tests will not be conducted on DJ Basin horizontal wells currently being executed or planned by GWOC. If plans change in the future a well specific drill stem testing plan will be prepared for that particular well. Note that GWOC may elect to use one of several available wireline deployed tools for the purpose of measuring down hole formation pressures and/or collecting down hole fluid samples from the target formation(s) of a particular well.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Wellbore Collision Prevention – Rule 317.r Prior to drilling operations, GWOG will perform an anti-collision scan of existing offset wells that have the potential of being within close proximity of the proposed well. This anti-collision scan will include definitive MWD or gyro surveys of the offset wells with included error of uncertainty per survey instrument, and compared against the proposed well path with its respective error of uncertainty. If current surveys do not exist for the offset wells, Operator may have gyro surveys conducted to verify bottom hole location. The proposed well will only be drilled if the anti-collision scan results indicate that there is not a risk for collision, or harm to people or the environment.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Stimulation Setback – Rule 317.s GWOG shall obtain signed written consent for any portion of the proposed wellbore’s treated interval within 150’ of an existing (producing, Shut-in, or temporarily abandoned) or permitted oil and gas well’s treated interval belonging to another operator prior to completion of the well.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
BOPE for well servicing (Rule 604.c.(2)J A BOPE with a minimum pressure rating of 3,000 psi will be utilized. At a minimum it will consist of 2 ram preventers and 1 annular preventer. The blind rams will be positioned below the pipe rams. A backup system of pressure control will be onsite consisting of at a minimum 1,000 psi accumulator (backup pressure). Accumulator is tested to 1,000 psi. Operator may use fixed sized pipe rams matching the tubular size. The annular preventer will be pressure tested to 250 psi low and 2,000 psi high for 10 minutes each. The ram preventers will be tested to 250 psi low and 2,500 psi high for 10 minutes each. All remaining well control equipment will be tested to 250 psi low and 2,500 psi high for 10 minutes each. The pressure tests will be conducted when the equipment is first installed and every 30 days thereafter. Pipe rams and blind rams will be function tested before every well service operation. Annual BOP inspections and pressure tests will be performed by the service company and will be charted & retained for 1 year. Backup stabbing valves shall be used on operations that require reverse circulation. Valves will be pressure tested before each well service operation in low pressure and high pressure range. The GWOC onsite representative will be certified in Well Control Operations by a Well-Cap certified training service.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Bradenhead Monitoring GWOC will comply with the “COGCC Policy for Bradenhead Monitoring during Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in the Greater Wattenberg Area”, dated May 29, 2012.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Logging The first well drilled on the pad was logged with an open-hole Resistivity and Gamma Ray Log from the kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (intermediate casing or production liner if run) to the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a MWD/GR log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for a well without an open hole log shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall clearly identify the Schaefer 2413-3-15HN, API No. 05-001-09860, as the well in which open-hole logs were run.