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WELD  123
SENE 22 1N67W 6
447233View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (02 )
1) Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU (spud notice) for the first well activity with a rig on the pad and provide 48 hour spud notice via Form 42 for all subsequent wells drilled on the pad. 2) Comply with Rule 317.j. and provide cement coverage from TD to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with cement bond log.
EngineerForm: (02 )
Bradenhead tests shall be performed and reported according to the following schedule and Form 17 submitted within 10 days of each test. 1) Within 60 days of rig release, prior to stimulation. 2) 6 months after rig release, prior to stimulation. 3) Within 30 days of first production, as reported on Form 5A.
EngineerForm: (02 )
Operator acknowledges the proximity of the listed wells. Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1 or 2 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OFFSET MITIGATION COMPLETED”) stating that appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well. 05-123-09988, FRANK J. SUCKLA 2 05-123-08602, UPRR 42 PAN AM AD 1 05-123-07740, FRANCIS D. CLARK UNIT B 1 05-123-08153, UPRR 42 PAN AM UNIT M 1
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).E. Multi-Well Pads: In order to reduce surface impact, this application is for a four-well pad.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).Q. Guy Line Anchors: Should guy line anchors be left buried for future use, they shall be identified by a bright marker greater than four (4) feet high and no more than one (1) foot east of the guy line anchor.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).R. Tank Specifications: Two 500 barrel skid-mounted frac tanks will be temporarily placed on-site for use of the pre-spud rig only. One tank will store water and the other will store water based mud.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).S. Access Roads: KMG will utilize a lease access road from Weld County Road 21 for drilling, completions, and production operations, including maintenance equipment. The road will be properly constructed and maintained to accommodate for local emergency vehicle access.
PlanningForm: (02 )
604c.(2).V. Development From Existing Well Pads: Drilling from an existing well pad was not feasible for the development of the wells on this proposed oil and gas location; however, this well pad will be considered for future well locations.
Community Outreach and NotificationForm: (02 )
305.a.(2) A Notice of Intent to Conduct Operations was sent to each building unit owner within the Exception Zone or Buffer Zone Setback. Recipients did not contact KMG. As a part of planning this proposed location, Kerr-McGee held multi-disciplinary Surface Impact Planning Meetings regarding the impacts and mitigations associated with this proposed location. The toll-free hotline number and email for the Anadarko Colorado Response Line will be posted at the entrance to the lease access road for stakeholders during drilling and completion operations at this proposed location. Courtesy Notifications will be sent to impacted stakeholders prior to drilling operations and again prior to completions operations, providing contact information for the Anadarko Colorado Response Line and online resources.
Traffic controlForm: (02 )
604c.(2).D. Traffic Plan: If required by the local government, a traffic plan will be coordinated with the local jurisdiction prior to commencement of operations.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
604c.(2).O. Loadlines: All loadlines shall be bullplugged or capped.
General HousekeepingForm: (02 )
604c.(2).P. Removal of Surface Trash: A commercial size trash bin for removing debris will be located on site. This bin will be for use by all parties affiliated with the operation.
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02 )
604c.(2).W. Site-Specific Measures: KMG maintains a Storm Water Management Plan that assesses erosion control for every KMG operated location. This location will be added to this plan once construction begins. This site will be inspected every fourteen (14) days during construction activities, every twenty-eight (28) days after construction is completed, and after any major weather event.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02 )
604c.(2).N. Control of Fire Hazards: KMG and its contractors will employ best management practices during the drilling and production of its wells and facilities and will comply with appropriate COGCC rules concerning safety and fire. KMG will ensure that any material that might be deemed a fire hazard will remain no less than twenty-five (25) feet from the wellhead(s), tanks and separator(s).
Dust controlForm: (02 )
805.c. Dust: Water will be placed on dirt access roads to mitigate dust as needed. If feasible, magnesium chloride will also be used as needed on access roads to further abate dust. Weld County Road 21 is paved and maintained by Weld County and will therefore not require dust mitigation.
ConstructionForm: (02 )
604c.(2).M. Fencing Requirements: The completed wellsites will be surrounded with a fence and gate with adequate lock to restrict access to authorized personnel only. KMG personnel will monitor the wellsites regularly upon completion of the wells. Authorized representatives and/or KMG personnel shall be on-site during drilling and completion operations.
Noise mitigationForm: (02 )
604c.(2).A. Noise: Sound surveys have been conducted on each rig type and are utilized to anticipate any additional effective noise mitigation once a drilling rig is determined. At a minimum, and pending a safety review after construction of the location, sound mitigation barriers (straw bales) will be placed along the North, East, and Eastern portion of the South side to dampen noise and minimize impact to the nearby residences and to Weld County Road 21 during drilling and completions. Should technological advancements allow for better noise mitigation at the time of drilling and completion operations on this location, Kerr-McGee will re-evaluate the most effective method at that time.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Kerr-McGee acknowledges and will comply with the COGCC Policy for Bradenhead Monitoring during Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in the Greater Wattenberg Area dated May 29, 2012.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
Anti-Collision: Kerr-McGee will perform an anti-collision evaluation of all active (producing, shut in, or temporarily abandoned) offset wellbores that have the potential of being within one hundred fifty (150) feet of a proposed well prior to drilling operations for the proposed well. Notice shall be given to all offset operators within one hundred fifty (150) feet prior to drilling.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
317.p Logging Program: One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with Cased-hole Pulsed Neutron Log with Gamma Ray Log from kick-off point into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured-while-drilling gamma-ray log. The Form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run in that well and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for each well shall clearly state “No open-hole logs were run” and shall reference the Rule 317.p Exception granted for the well.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).B. Closed Loop Drilling System: KMG will use a closed loop or “pitless” system for drilling and fluid management and will not construct a reserve pit.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).C. Green Completions: Temporary above ground polyethylene water pipelines will deliver water to location operations from larger trunk lines to reduce truck traffic and minimize air pollution. Pipeline infrastructure is in place prior to completions operations to ensure saleable gas, once hydrocarbons are cut, is sent directly to sales without flaring during flowback.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).H. BOPE: Our rigs at a minimum will have a double ram with blind and pipe ram and annular preventer.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).I. BOPE Testing for Drilling Operations: Upon initial rig-up, BOPEs will be tested at a minimum of every 30 days.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).J. BOPE for Well Servicing Operations: Blowout prevention equipment will be used on any servicing operations associated with this well. Backup stabbing valves will be used during any future servicing operations during reverse circulation. Valves shall be pressure tested before each well servicing operation using low-pressure air and high-pressure fluid.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).K. Pit Level Indicators: All storage tanks used for active drilling operations (used in lieu of pits) contain pit level monitors with Electronic Drilling Recorders (EDR). KMG uses EDRs with pit level monitor(s) and alarm(s) for production rigs. Basic level gauges are used on tanks utilized for the surface rig.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
604c.(2).L. Drill Stem Tests: No drill stem tests are planned and none will be performed without prior approval from the Director.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02 )
803. Lighting: To the extent practicable, site lighting shall be shielded and directed downward and inward toward operations to avoid glare on public roads and nearby Building Units. Straw bales will also help mitigate light impacts.