Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400370939 1/23/2013 | 1)Provide notice of MIRU via an electronic Form 42.
2)Comply with Rule 317.i and provide cement coverage from the 7” casing TD to a minimum of 200' above the Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with a cement bond log per Rule 317.o.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402301313 5/13/2020 | 1. Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
2. Prior to starting bradenhead mitigation, if a sample has not been collected within the last twelve months collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples.
3. Operator shall implement measures to get an initial estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. During the shut-in period record pressure data to adequately characterize the build-up.
4. This mitigation plan may be used for six consecutive months from the approved sundry date. At the conclusion of the six months, conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans and the flow rate information and pressure data. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402559932 12/29/2020 | 1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
2. Prior to starting bradenhead mitigation, if a sample has not been collected within the last twelve months collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples.
3. Operator will implement measures to get an initial estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. During the shut-in period record pressure data to adequately characterize the build-up.
4. By 02/28/2021, conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, and the flow rate information and pressure data. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402618921 3/17/2021 | Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead sundry must be filed.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402896152 12/29/2021 | Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed. |
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 403018367 4/20/2022 | Operator will implement measures to capture, combust, or control emissions to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well repair and / or test operations with a workover rig or other heavy equipment do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public health, welfare and the environment. Due to proximity of building units (BUs) all blowdown gases will be controlled. |
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 403018367 4/20/2022 | Prior to commencing operations, at a minimum, the operator will provide an informational sheet to the owners/occupants of BUs that are nearby and adjacent to the parcel on which the well is located. The sheet will include the operator's contact information and the nature, timing, and expected duration of the well repair and / or test operations with a workover rig or other heavy equipment. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403018367 5/3/2022 | 1) Provide electronic Form 42 Notice of MIRU 2 business days ahead of operations.
2) The additional cement referenced shall be placed as indicated. The placed cement shall be verified with a cement bond log.
3) Operator will successfully pressure test the production casing repair for a minimum of 15 minutes and to a minimum of 300psi.
4) Pressure test and cement bond log to be submitted with a Form 5 within 30 days of repair operations. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403018367 5/3/2022 | Operator will avoid initiating hydraulic fractures in or above groundwater zones. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403126007 8/12/2022 | Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed.
Agency | Form: (04 ) 403277832 1/12/2023 | Operator shall continue to monitor pressure, and report to COGCC through annual testing. If monitored well conditions meet the thresholds defined by Order 1-232 a new bradenhead test and sundry must be filed.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403318759 2/14/2023 | 1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
2. Prior to starting bradenhead abatement, if a sample has not been collected within the last twelve months collect bradenhead and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples.
3. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Operator will implement measures to get an initial estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead. The abatement program may be used for six consecutive months.
4. Operator will submit a Form 42 (“OTHER”) stating that “bradenhead abatement program has started.”
5. At the conclusion of the six months, conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, flow rate information, pressure data and a discussion of the sample analysis.
Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403506632 9/1/2023 | 1. Operator will implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to an enclosed tank and/or combustor. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator will implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead.
3. Within thirty days of 08/24/2024, conduct a bradenhead test, submit a Form 17, and submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data.
4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor and collect data to characterize build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test.
5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples and production gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling will comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results will be provided to the COGCC within three months of collecting the samples. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403900391 10/30/2024 | 1. Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
2. Bradenhead gas is not to be vented to the atmosphere; any gas from the Bradenhead will be routed to the specified abatement system. Shut in bradenhead pressure shall not exceed 50 psig. Operator shall implement measures to get an estimate of the gas flow rate and/or volume from the bradenhead.
3. Within thirty days of 10/30/2025, submit a Form 4 Sundry that summarizes current well condition. The sundry should include details of the future plans, sample analysis interpretation, bradenhead test description, and the flow rate information and pressure data.
4. Shut well in for at least seven days to monitor build up pressures then conduct a new bradenhead test and submit the Form 17 within ten days of the test.
5. If a sample has not been collected from surface casing within the last twelve months collect bradenhead gas samples for laboratory analysis. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions, Appendix A: Liquid and Gas Sampling. Copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the ECMC within three months of collecting the samples. |