Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 400289052 6/20/2012 | East Cheyenne Gas Storage
Best Management Practices & Procedures
East Cheyenne Gas Storage, LLC will utilize the following “Best Management Practices “(BMP) where appropriate to prevent or reduce the impacts caused by gas and oil operations.
1) When building new well sites, limit the surface area to be disturbed to that which is required. When a new well is drilled and put on production, reclaim the unneeded well pad area to reduce the disturbed surface area and allow the landowners to use it for agriculture.
2) When a previously plugged well is re-entered to re-plug all abandoned production zones, abandoned well in such a manner so as to minimize any surface disturbance. No dry hole marker monument is to be used and well location is to be restored to previous grade.
3) Return the land surface to pre-used condition by reforming the surface to match the surrounding area including: terracing, drainage replacement, drainage repair, and the re-seeding in a manner that is specified by the land use agreement or surface owner.
4) Spray location to control noxious weeds annually.
5) Inspect facilities for erosion and install erosion controls where required.
6) Utilize existing roads as much as possible and build new roads to minimize land disturbance area.
7) Fill drill site pits within 120 days after completion of well and subject to pit fluid levels, pit moisture, and weather.
8) Hydrocarbon storage tanks are to be surrounded by impermeable berms to prevent spills from escaping off-site.
9) Open top tanks and unattended pits that may contain hydrocarbons will be fenced and coved with nets to protect fowl and animals.
10) Procedural plans are in place to prevent, control and cleanup hydrocarbon spills.