Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401643522 2/24/2022 | Well appears to have had an MIT with a plug in place - if that remains - a Form 5A is required and a Sundry requesting continued TA status. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 401643522 2/24/2022 | Operator shall have an approved Gas Capture Plan or have sought and received a variance from the COGCC Commission for continued production without gas infrastructure, prior to January 15, 2022 or wells must be shut in by January 15, 2022. |
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 403996193 11/19/2024 | This oil and gas location is within a Mule Deer Winter Concentration Area High Priority Habitat. Well completion activities should not take place from December 1 to April 30. If activities must take place from December 1 to April 30, operator will consult with CPW to determine site-specific measures to avoid, minimize, and mitigate adverse impacts to wildlife and the environment. At a minimum, operations with heavy machinery will not start before 8 a.m. and will cease at 4 p.m. |
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 403996193 11/19/2024 | This oil and gas location is within a CPW mapped Pronghorn Winter Concentration Area High Priority Habitat. If well completion activities must occur between January 1 to April 30, prior to conducting the activities, Operator will not start operations with heavy machinery before 8 a.m. and will cease at 4 p.m. |
OGLA | Form: (04 ) 403996193 11/19/2024 | Operator committed to the following Best Management Practices in the attached email of the CPW consultation: Operations will occur during daylight hours only. |
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 403996193 11/20/2024 | 1) Provide electronic Form 42 Notice of MIRU 2 business days ahead of operations.
2) Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. |