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WELL05-123-46994Sack KE
WELD  123
SWSW 21 1N66W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 1523 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
Click for SpecificsFull6/24/20247/9/2024 2Down to Zero--0No Flow2020NoNoNoAnnual Test.  2 PSI blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test.  No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403483027Form 178/1/20238/1/2023PLUNGER LIFT22CONTINUOUS GAS0 NO FLOW 291293No----Abatement system follow up test. 22 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI within first few minutes of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403256804Form 1712/8/202212/12/2022GAS LIFT76CONTINUOUS GAS0 WHISPER 435435Yes----Automation Alert follow-up test. 76 PSI whisper gas blew down to 0 PSI in thirty minutes through 1/2" needle valve. PDC will schedule a sampling event and submit results via form 43. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403227714Form 1711/11/202211/14/2022PLUNGER LIFT51CONTINUOUS GAS0 WHISPER 306304No----Automation Alert follow-up. 51 PSI gas flow blew down to 0 PSI within 30 minutes. PDC collected a sample 6/21/2022 . PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403089900Form 176/24/20226/27/2022FLOWING54CONTINUOUS GAS0 NO FLOW 381382YesYes--Test after pressure discovery. Gas on open, collected BH and production sample. Down to zero in 10 minutes thru needle valve, whisper for 3 more minutes and died. No flow detectable at 15 minutes or for remainder of test.
402793105Form 178/25/20218/26/2021PLUNGER LIFT29DOWN TO 0 GAS0 NO FLOW 502505No----Test per NTO. Gas on open, down to whisper in 5 minutes. Died at 8 minute mark, no flow for remainder of test.
402443590Form 177/14/20207/15/2020SHUT-IN2GAS --0 NO FLOW 719719No----Test per NTO. Gas for 1 minute at open then dead. Well started flowing at 8 minute mark.
402151078Form 178/20/20198/20/2019FLOWING4NO FLOW --0 NO FLOW 684682No----Test per NTO. BH dead.
401853613Form 1711/1/201811/28/2018FLOWING0NO FLOW --0 NO FLOW 17281726No----Test taken after DOFP. Bradenhead dead
401736902Form 178/13/20188/17/2018SHUT-IN0NO FLOW --0 NO FLOW 00No----