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WELL05-123-46043Postle IC
WELD  123
SWNW 11 3N68W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 1523 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
403838412Form 176/21/20246/27/2024SHUT-IN10DOWN TO 0 WATER AND GAS0 CONTINUOUS 169169No----Annual test. 10 PSI water and gas flow blew down to 0 PSI in seconds, water continued to drip for entire test. Fluid quantity insufficient to sample. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
Click for SpecificsFull5/18/20235/29/2023 20Down to Zero--0Down to Zero495504NoNoneNoneAnnual Test. 20 PSI blew down to 0 PSI within first few seconds of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
Click for SpecificsFull11/22/202211/29/2022 7Down to Zero--0Down to Zero484484NoNoneNone 
402867459Form 1711/5/202111/10/2021PLUNGER LIFT9DOWN TO 0 WATER H200 NO FLOW 732738No----Re-test after 10 day build up. Water on open, produced 1/2 cup and died. Not enough volume to sample. No flow for remainder of test.
402669829Form 174/15/20214/24/2021FLOWING51CONTINUOUS WATER H200 CONTINUOUS 763763YesNoYesTest per NTO. Water at open, down to drips after 5 seconds. Drips for remainder of test. Made just enough for sample.
402465527Form 178/5/20208/13/2020PLUNGER LIFT33GAS --0 NO FLOW 751751No----Test after failed displacement followed by tank blowdown while drilling rig on location starting 4-4-2020. Then 2 month build up. Gas for 10 seconds at open then dead. Well started flowing at 7 minute mark. Unable to sample due to flow dying before matrix could be asurred.
402302130Form 171/24/20202/3/2020FLOWING143MUD --0 MUD 855856No----Test after 5 week blowdown and 1 week buildup. Gas and mud for first 30 seconds. Intermittent flow for remainder of test. Made ~ 3 gallons total.
402232226Form 1711/1/201911/6/2019FLOWING349WHISPER --0 SURGE 11481147YesYesYesTest per NTO. Prod and BH gas sample collected. Blew down to whisper in 15 seconds. Started surging Mud @ 15 minute mark, 40 mL mud and Prod oil sample collected. Made ~1 cup total.
401719198Form 177/25/20187/31/2018FLOWING278CONTINUOUS --0 WHISPER 19021901No----Test taken within 30 days of DOFP. Gas dropped to 26 psi after 230 seconds then plugged off. Worked 1/4" needle valve and cntinued to blow down slowly to whisper.
401599161Form 174/7/20184/10/2018SHUT-IN65MUD --0 NO FLOW 00No----