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WELL05-123-44988Raindance FD
NENE 30 6N67W 6
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Surface Casing Depth: 1557 ft.
View Form/DetailsReport TypeTest DateSubmit DateWell StatusInitial Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (Start)Fluid TypeEnd Surf CasingBradenhead Flow (End)Initial Prod CasingEnd Prod CasingSample Taken?GasLiquidComments
404008522Form 1711/25/202411/26/2024PLUNGER LIFT25WHISPER GAS0 NO FLOW 377378No----Remediation follow up test. 25 PSI whisper gas blew down to 0 PSI within five minutes of test. No pressure or flow observed for the remainder of the test. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403799300Form 175/14/20245/21/2024SHUT-IN30CONTINUOUS WATER AND GAS0 WHISPER 00No----Annual test. 30 PSI water and gas flow blew down to 0 PSI in seconds, whisper gas and fluid trickle for entire test, ~2.5 gallons total. PDC will monitor pressure and re-test according to bradenhead policy.
403280491Form 171/4/20231/5/2023PLUNGER LIFT0DOWN TO 0 GAS0 NO FLOW 659662No----Abatement system follow up test. 0 PSI, no pressure or flow observed. PDC will submit sundry with bradenhead details if needed as soon as possible. PDC will continue to monitor monthly.
403079637Form 176/8/20226/15/2022PLUNGER LIFT89DOWN TO 0 WATER H200 CONTINUOUS 400401Yes--YesTest after pressure discovery. Water on open, down to trickle instantly. Produced about 800mL total. Continued test past 30 minutes to finish 1000mL water sample. Took 100 minutes to collect water sample.
402870056Form 1711/3/202111/12/2021FLOWING0WHISPER GAS0 NO FLOW 549547No----Retest after blowdown and 30 day build up. Whisper at open for 1 second, then dead for remainder of test.
402572943Form 171/4/20211/12/2021FLOWING212CONTINUOUS WATER H200 CONTINUOUS 499492YesNoYesRetest. Water at open. Trickle changing to drips at 10 minute mark. Made 1000ml sample and 1 pint.
402306743Form 171/31/20202/7/2020FLOWING105WATER H20 --0 WATER H20 786785Yes--YesTest after 5 week blowdown and 14 day build up. Trickle after 20 seconds. 1980 mL water sample taken. Made ~1 gallon total.
402239582Form 1711/7/201911/14/2019FLOWING86DOWN TO 0 --0 NO FLOW 11021143No----Test per NTO. Produced 4 cups of water on open then died < 15 secs. BH dead.
401989465Form 173/28/20193/29/2019SHUT-IN74WHISPER --0 NO FLOW 14841484YesYes--Test before offset frac. Bled down to whisper in 2 seconds. Bradenhead and production gas sample taken.
401547929Form 172/15/20182/16/2018SHUT-IN19NO FLOW --0 NO FLOW 16661664No----Test taken within 30 days of date of 1st production.
401458666Form 1711/13/201711/15/2017SHUT-IN260DOWN TO 0 --0 NO FLOW 12251225No----