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SWARTZ - #482983 InformationStatus: AC - 10/1/2024
Location ID:482983Location Name/No:SWARTZ/2-4HZ
Facility Status:ACFacility Status Date:10/1/2024
Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LPOperator Number:47120
County:WELD  - #123Location:NWNE 4 3N67W
Facility Type:LOCATIONLat/Long:40.260465 / -104.891432
Form 2A Document #:402958552Form 2A Expiration:9/6/2025
OGDP #:482251
Location Inventory
Wells:  16Oil Tanks:  0Condensate Tanks:  1Water Tanks:  4Buried Produced Water Vaults:  0
Drilling Pits:  0Production Pits:  0Special Purpose Pits:  0Multi-Well Pits:  0Modular Large Volume Tanks:  1
Pump Jacks:  16Separators:  10Injection Pumps:  0Heat-Treaters:  0Cavity Pumps:  0
Gas Compressors:  0Gas or Diesel Motors:  0Electric Motors:  0Electric Generators:  0Fuel Tanks:  0
LACT Unit:  2Dehydrator Units:  0Vapor Recovery Unit:  0VOC Combustor:  1Flare:  0
Enclosed Combustion Devices:  0Meter/Sales Building:  2Pigging Station:  0
Other:  Flowlines - 2"-3" size (outside diameter), constructed of carbon steel. Oil, gas and water pipelines will be used at this location. Water for completions operations will be brought to the location through temporary water lines using KMOG's Water on Demand system. The oil and gas pipelines will be constructed by a 3rd party midstream company. See comments for further description.
Related Tank Facilities
Sorry, no associated tank facilities could be found.
Related Pits
Sorry, no associated pits could be found.
API Number:05-123-51913Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-15HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51914Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-4HZ
Well Status:ALLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51915Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-1HZ
Well Status:ALLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51916Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-14HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51917Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-7HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51918Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-3HZ
Well Status:ALLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51919Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-8HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51920Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-9HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNW 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51921Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-6HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51922Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-16HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51923Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-5HZ
Well Status:ALLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51924Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-12HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51925Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-11HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51926Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNW 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51927Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-2HZ
Well Status:ALLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

API Number:05-123-51928Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  SWARTZ #4-13HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  NWNE 4 3N 67W

Off-Location Flowlines
Sorry, no off-location flowlines could be found.
Domestic Taps
Sorry, no domestic taps could be found.