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Fiducial - #436863 InformationStatus: AC - 7/1/2024
Location ID:436863Location Name/No:Fiducial/6-62-34_35 SWSW
Facility Status:ACFacility Status Date:7/1/2024
Operator Name:HIGHPOINT OPERATING CORPORATIONOperator Number:10071
County:WELD  - #123Location:SWSW 34 6N62W
Facility Type:LOCATIONLat/Long:40.439386 / -104.317617
Form 2A Document #:400570686Form 2A Expiration:4/20/2017
Location Inventory
Wells:  2Oil Tanks:  6Condensate Tanks:  0Water Tanks:  2Buried Produced Water Vaults:  0
Drilling Pits:  0Production Pits:  0Special Purpose Pits:  0Multi-Well Pits:  0Modular Large Volume Tanks:  2
Pump Jacks:  2Separators:  4Injection Pumps:  0Heat-Treaters:  0Cavity Pumps:  0
Gas Compressors:  1Gas or Diesel Motors:  0Electric Motors:  4Electric Generators:  1Fuel Tanks:  0
LACT Unit:  0Dehydrator Units:  0Vapor Recovery Unit:  0VOC Combustor:  2Flare:  1
Enclosed Combustion Devices:  0Meter/Sales Building:  0Pigging Station:  1
Other:  2 Gas Pipelines (2" steel), 2 Water Pipelines (3” steel), 2 Oil Pipelines (3” steel), 2 Injection Pipelines (4” steel), 2 flowlines (4” steel). When possible temporary water pipelines will carry water from storage tanks or water sources to well completion sites. Pipes will be made of flexible and rigid materials (plastic, aluminum and steel) generally 8" to 12'' in diameter. The length will be determined by the distance to the well site to be serviced for the fracing operation. If large volume storage tanks are not used, we may use up to 110 500-barrel frac tanks.
Related Tank Facilities
Sorry, no associated tank facilities could be found.
Related Pits
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API Number:05-123-39296Operator Name:HIGHPOINT OPERATING CORPORATION #10071Well Name:  Fiducial #6-62-34-6457BH2
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWSW 346N 62W

API Number:05-123-39297Operator Name:HIGHPOINT OPERATING CORPORATION #10071Well Name:  Fiducial #6-62-34-4956BH2
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWSW 346N 62W

Off-Location Flowlines
Facility ID:  464853Operator Name:  HIGHPOINT OPERATING CORPORATION Status:  CL
Operator Flowline ID:  Fiducial_6-62-34_35_SWSW_05066234cc_05056223dd_01GStart Location ID:  436863Location:  SESE 235N 62W
Flowline Type:  Production LineFluid Type:  Natural GasPipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  9/20/2014

Domestic Taps
Sorry, no domestic taps could be found.