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WAGNER - #328953 InformationStatus: AC - 5/1/2022
Location ID:328953Location Name/No:WAGNER/2C-10HZ
Facility Status:ACFacility Status Date:5/1/2022
Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LPOperator Number:47120
County:WELD  - #123Location:SWNE 22 1N67W
Facility Type:LOCATIONLat/Long:40.042310 / -104.870240
Form 2A Document #:401013572Form 2A Expiration:8/6/2019
Location Inventory
Wells:  5Oil Tanks:  0Condensate Tanks:  1Water Tanks:  2Buried Produced Water Vaults:  0
Drilling Pits:  0Production Pits:  0Special Purpose Pits:  0Multi-Well Pits:  0Modular Large Volume Tanks:  0
Pump Jacks:  5Separators:  11Injection Pumps:  0Heat-Treaters:  0Cavity Pumps:  0
Gas Compressors:  0Gas or Diesel Motors:  0Electric Motors:  0Electric Generators:  0Fuel Tanks:  0
LACT Unit:  2Dehydrator Units:  0Vapor Recovery Unit:  0VOC Combustor:  1Flare:  0
Enclosed Combustion Devices:  0Meter/Sales Building:  0Pigging Station:  0
Other:  Two 500 barrel skid-mounted frac tanks will be temporarily placed onsite for use of the pre-spud rig only. One tank will store water and the other will store water-based mud. Please see Comments section. Description of pipelines and flow lines does not fit in space provided.
Related Tank Facilities
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Related Pits
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API Number:05-123-16665Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  COUGHLIN RED #VV 22-1
Well Status:PALocation:  NENE 221N 67W

API Number:05-123-43469Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  WAGNER #28N-E10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWNE 221N 67W

API Number:05-123-43470Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  WAGNER #27N-10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWNE 221N 67W

API Number:05-123-43471Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  WAGNER #2N-10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWNE 221N 67W

API Number:05-123-43472Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  WAGNER #28N-W10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWNE 221N 67W

API Number:05-123-43473Operator Name:KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP #47120Well Name:  WAGNER #2C-10HZ
Well Status:PRLocation:  SWNE 221N 67W

Off-Location Flowlines
Facility ID:  463108Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  AC
Operator Flowline ID:  WAGNER 2N-10HZStart Location ID:  328953Location:  SWNE 221N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  MultiphasePipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  5/2/2018

Facility ID:  463109Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  AC
Operator Flowline ID:  WAGNER 28N-E10HZStart Location ID:  328953Location:  SWNE 221N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  MultiphasePipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  5/2/2018

Facility ID:  463110Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  AC
Operator Flowline ID:  WAGNER 2C-10HZStart Location ID:  328953Location:  SWNE 221N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  MultiphasePipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  5/2/2018

Facility ID:  463111Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  AC
Operator Flowline ID:  WAGNER 28N-W10HZStart Location ID:  328953Location:  SWNE 221N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  MultiphasePipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  5/2/2018

Facility ID:  463112Operator Name:  KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP Status:  AC
Operator Flowline ID:  WAGNER 27N-10HZStart Location ID:  328953Location:  SWNE 221N 67W
Flowline Type:  Wellhead LineFluid Type:  MultiphasePipe Material:  Carbon SteelConstruction Date:  5/2/2018

Domestic Taps
Sorry, no domestic taps could be found.