Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
10306240 Wells 615561 sundry notice44484 10/11/1990 Download
12315402 Wells 156366 exhibit a49984 10/11/1990 Download
01707142 Wells 550378 well site inspection form25232 10/11/1990 Download
00108992 Wells 341093 plat36884 10/11/1990 Download
12314830 Wells 619778 correspondence63248 10/11/1990 Download
06707764 Wells 614050 survey26715 10/11/1990 Download
10309449 Wells 331731 well completion/recompletion report64846 10/11/1990 Download
06707527 Wells 570969 sundry45422 10/11/1990 Download
10309423 Wells 227333 well completion report61039 10/11/1990 Download
10309421 Wells 227315 well completion report61602 10/11/1990 Download
04306025 Wells 555501 certification of clearance41841 10/11/1990 Download
06707702 Wells 613920 application for permit42233 10/11/1990 Download
12314787 Wells 186383 application - permit to drill38034 10/11/1990 Download
12314729 Wells 638085 sundry notice37610 10/11/1990 Download
08106692 Wells 251325 correspondence28236 10/11/1990 Download
06707700 Wells 647127 application for permit41974 10/11/1990 Download
04506689 Wells 453379 sundry notice41662 10/11/1990 Download
12314804 Wells 139784 application for permit38813 10/11/1990 Download
04306025 Wells 555504 sundry notice33946 10/11/1990 Download
10306113 Wells 600131 sundry45384 10/11/1990 Download
06306214 Wells 398441 well site inspection form25170 10/11/1990 Download
12309892 Wells 609922 verbal request28529 10/11/1990 Download
06707527 Wells 570970 completion86000 10/11/1990 Download
01707158 Wells 498110 well site inspection form24589 10/11/1990 Download
08306087 Wells 579227 uic field report31747 10/11/1990 Download