Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
114994 Facilities 651278 PIT PERMIT (FORM 15)881795 08/20/1973 Download
114994 Facilities 651273 earthen permit-data analysis128962 08/20/1973 Download
12105971 Wells 336897 certification of clearance52767 08/20/1973 Download
12307836 Wells 153181 intent to drill32227 08/20/1973 Download
12307762 Wells 87976 well completion53913 08/20/1973 Download
12307762 Wells 87975 certification of clearance30809 08/20/1973 Download
03106419 Wells 371075 intent to abandon38340 08/20/1973 Download
12307774 Wells 83280 certificate of clearance31060 08/20/1973 Download
12307710 Wells 1071888 producers certificate of clearance  08/20/1973 Download
12307825 Wells 587263 application for permit66021 08/20/1973 Download
08306068 Wells 567956 sundry62972 08/20/1973 Download
00106648 Wells 339340 refiled12015 08/20/1973 Download
00105117 Wells 391798 well abandonment37180 08/20/1973 Download
00106704 Wells 405283 well abandonment31564 08/20/1973 Download
12307732 Wells 32151 certification of clearance31141 08/20/1973 Download
12307746 Wells 642360 well completion54841 08/20/1973 Download
08305237 Wells 702169 decision34675 08/20/1973 Download
09905024 Wells 693480 application for permit70419 08/20/1973 Download
250-8 Hearings 770151 application, verification and affidavit88185 08/20/1973 Download
272-1 Hearings 743334 publication84175 08/20/1973 Download
07508414 Wells 225176 intent to abandon24011 08/20/1973 Download
12307824 Wells 577283 application for permit61419 08/20/1973 Download
00106704 Wells 405284 well completion53096 08/20/1973 Download
12105971 Wells 336895 sundry notice31365 08/20/1973 Download
06106130 Wells 652960 well abandonment39003 08/20/1973 Download