Document NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
00505003 Wells 834962 notice of intention to drill49636 05/26/1955 Download
08706430 Wells 158791 intent to drill40461 05/26/1955 Download
12106160 Wells 336776 notice of intent to drill42024 05/26/1955 Download
00105347 Wells 738857 formation information377632 05/26/1955 Download
07507260 Wells 823420 intent to drill43134 05/26/1955 Download
00105347 Wells 738855 log of oil and gas well90127 05/26/1955 Download
08705934 Wells 214252 bond38195 05/26/1955 Download
07506066 Wells 247523 sundry notice52300 05/26/1955 Download
08706623 Wells 199868 intent to drill74759 05/26/1955 Download
08705934 Wells 214251 intent to drill40682 05/26/1955 Download
08705934 Wells 214254 power of attorney78597 05/26/1955 Download
07506017 Wells 816803 correspondence24951 05/26/1955 Download
01705074 Wells 977393 intent to abandon39083 05/26/1955 Download
08706602 Wells 177220 intent to drill46294 05/26/1955 Download
30-7 Hearings 763992 Memo, Little Beaver "J" Sand Engineering Committee40483 05/26/1955 Download
00105371 Wells 739040 intent to abandon46050 05/26/1955 Download
08706633 Wells 544268 well log58414 05/26/1955 Download
34-3 Hearings 711516 Exhibit: So. Extension, Greenwood Field331674 05/26/1955 Download
07506263 Wells 241438 INTENT TO DRILL1306094 05/26/1955 Download
01705074 Well Logs 1669454 LATEROLOG SURVEY  05/26/1955 Download