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KERR MCGEE OIL & GAS ONSHORE LP        PARADIZE V #16-22D      API #: 123-27009
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Document IdentifierClassDocument NumberDocument NameFile Size (KB)DateDownload
12327009Well Logs1372747Cement Bond GR Collar Correlation Log153117348/18/2009Download
12327009Well Logs1372745Compensated Density Compensated Neutron Microlog40117688/12/2009Download
12327009Well Logs1372746DUAL INDUCJTION GUARD LOG GAMMA RAY38910188/12/2009Download
12327009Well Logs700049428LAS-CEMENT BOND10036716/9/2009Download
12327009Well Logs700049429LAS-TRIPLE COMBINATION31231556/9/2009Download