Planning | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c(2)M: Fencing: A meeting with the surface owner will determine a fencing plan.
The location will be adequately fenced to restrict access by unauthorized persons.
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)J.i: Blowout Prevention Equipment (“BOPE”): A double ram and annular preventer will be used during drilling. Stabbing valves shall be installed in the event of reverse circulation and shall be prior tested with low and high pressure fluid. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)J.ii: Backup stabbing valves will be required on well servicing operations during reverse circulation. Valves shall be pressure tested before each well servicing operation using both low-pressure air and high-pressure fluid. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)N: Control of fire hazards: All material that is considered a fire hazard shall be a minimum of 25’ from the wellhead tanks or separators. Electrical equipment shall comply with API IRP 500 and will comply with the current national electrical code.
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | Operator continues to work with the City of Brighton to consider additional BMP's to limit impacts on surrounding area. If additional measures are agreed to they will be added to this permit via sundry or 2A Amendment. |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)S: Access Roads: The access road will be constructed to accommodate local emergency vehicles. This road will be maintained for access at all times. Traffic will be routed to minimize local interruption. During construction and through the life of this location, Operator will utilize watering, via water trucks, to control fugitive dust. Additionally, the access road will be constructed with aggregate road base material and vehicle speeds will be limited to ten miles per hour to reduce dust.
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)D: Operator has submitted a City of Brighton Oil & Gas Development Application in which the designated traffic flow has been determined. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 804: Visual Impacts: All long term facility structures will be painted a color that enables the facilities to blend in with the natural background color of the landscape, as seen from a viewing distance and location typically used by the public
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | Maintain appearance with garbage clean-up; a trash bin will be located on site to accumulate waste by the personnel drilling the wells. Site will have unused equipment, trash and junk removed immediately. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)P. Trash Removal: All trash, debris and material not intrinsic to the operation of the oil and gas facility shall be removed and legally disposed of as applicable. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | Implement and maintain BMPs to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, and site degradation. Co-locate gas and water gathering lines whenever feasible, and mitigate any erosion problems that arise due to the construction of any pipeline(s). Location will be covered under Petro Operating Co’s field wide permit, permit number COR03 XXXX in process. Storm Water/Erosion Control
Implement and maintain BMPs to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, and site degradation. Co-locate gas and water gathering lines whenever feasible, and mitigate any erosion problems that arise due to the construction of any pipeline(s). Location will be covered under Petro Operating, LLC field wide permit. Typical stormwater BMPs installed include a silt fencing, diversion ditch, vehicle tracking pads and berm with sediment traps. Petro Operating has submitted and received approval of a detailed SWMP to the City of Brighton as part of the approved MOU. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)F. Leak Detection Plan: Operator will monitor production facilities weekly at a minimum to a maximum of daily to identify fluid leaks, including, but not limited to, visually inspecting all wellheads, tanks and fittings. Additionally, annual SPCC inspections will be conducted and documented. Annual flowline testing will also occur according to COGCC rules 1101 and 1102. Inspection and record retention of flowline testing will be in accordance per COGCC regulation. All records will be made available to the COGCC upon to request.
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)R Tank Specifications: Tanks will be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with NFPA Code 30 (2008 version). All tanks are visually inspected by the operator weekly at a minimum to a maximum of daily and annual SPCC inspections will be conducted and documented. Inspection and record retention of tank inspections will be in accordance per SPCC regulation. All records will be made available to the COGCC upon to request. |
Dust control | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 805.c. Operator shall employ practices for control of fugitive dust caused by their
operations. Such practices shall include but are not limited to the use of speed restrictions, regular road maintenance, restriction of construction activity during high wind days, and silica dust controls when handling sand used in hydraulic fracturing operations. Additional management practices such as road surfacing, wind breaks and barriers may be used.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 803. Permanent lighting will be installed around the facility to allow both the operator
and haulers to conduct safe operations at night. All lights will be directed down toward the location or shielded so no light pollution leaves the facility.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2).Q. All guy line anchors left buried for future use shall be identified by a
marker of bright color not less than four (4) feet in height and not greater than one (1) foot east of the guy line anchor.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2).E. This will be a multi-well pad, located in a manner which allows for the
greatest distances possible from building units.
Noise mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)A. Sound walls will be installed on all sides of the pad perimeter during drilling and completion operations.
Emissions mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | Operator will bring a new or expand existing gas sales lines, in a timely manner, to send salable quality gas immediately down the sales line. Operator will tie into a gas and oil sales lines, in a timely manner, to send salable quality gas and oil immediately down the sales line. The sales lines will be in place prior to first production. The sales lines will decrease the potential emission sources on the location. |
Emissions mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)C.i. Green Completions - Emission Control System. Test separators and associated flow lines and sand traps shall be installed on-site to accommodate green completions techniques pursuant to COGCC Rules. |
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 805. Oil & gas facilities and equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. Water based drilling fluids will be used during drilling operations which will limit the odor associated with development.
Note: If plans change and oil based fluids are used the operator will submit a sundry ad address additional odor concerns. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2).I. BOPE testing for drilling operations. Upon initial rig-up and at least once every thirty (30) days during drilling operations thereafter, pressure testing of the casing string and each component of the blowout prevention equipment including flange connections shall be performed to seventy percent (70%) of working pressure or seventy percent (70%) of the internal yield of casing, whichever is less. Pressure testing shall be conducted and the documented results shall be retained by the operator for inspection by the Director for a period of one (1) year. Activation of the pipe rams for function testing shall be conducted on a daily basis when practicable.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2)L. Closed chamber drill stem tests shall be allowed. All other drill stem tests shall require approval by the Director. None planned for these wells. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2).K. Pit level Indicators shall be used for tanks on location. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401063585 4/25/2017 | 604.c.(2).O. All loadlines shall be bull plugged or capped. |