Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401983872 4/8/2019 | Proposed BMPs per layout drawing attacedh appears to be sufficient for the location. Proactive stormwater management is required. If it is determined that a specific BMP is insufficient to mitigate degradation on a site, cannot be implemented per installation specification, or maintained in effective operating condition, then alternative BMPs that are better suited to meet the site’s conditions should be considered and applied, or used in conjunction. |
Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401983872 4/8/2019 | Approval/Passing of the form 4 acknowledges that the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission has received the notice. It is not an acknowledgement that inspection has been passed. A field inspection will be conducted at a future date to evaluate compliance with COGCC standards.
Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401809954 6/1/2020 | Signage: Pursuant to the NTO, Operator shall post a sign at the location entrance stating thefollowing: "A COGCC variance has been approved to delay the commencementof interim reclamation to no later than October 17th, 2023". This statement may be appended to an existing sign on location provided it isplainly visible. |
Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401809954 6/1/2020 | Timing and Repurpose: The intent if the NTO is to allow the Operator to leave areas open to conduct planned operations. Once operations are complete or not necessary, then reclamation must be conducted per the reclamation rules. Reclamation will be required within 5 years from the date stated on the surface owner letter document (10/17/2018) or after all the wells have been drilled and put intoproduction per the reclamation rule timing, whichever is shorter.
Atno time shall the non-reclaimed areas on the location be repurposed for any other activity other than production operations without explicit permission granted through a 502.b. variance, reviewed by reclamation staff and approved by the Director. |
Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401809954 6/1/2020 | Bonding: Approval of this request is contingent upon receipt of bonding to COGCC based on the estimate provided to conduct interim reclamation at this site. Financial assurance bonds must be received within 45 days from the email notification forthis request. |
Reclamation Specialist | Form: (04 ) 401809954 6/1/2020 | Map agreement: Approval of this form is an approval of the NTO request only. Areas detailed in the attached map may not encompass the exact areas needed for production operations or the required interim reclamation areas. Future assessments regarding the size and extent of the areas needed for production and interim reclamation will be determined on the ground by reclamation staff during a field inspection. |