Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | A closed loop system will be implemented during drilling, using a cuttings catch pit, dewatering system, centrifuge system. Any skim oil will be trucked to the Chevron Main Water Plant and pipelined to an oil gathering collection system. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | The cuttings pit will be constructed to the BLM Gold Book standards. No portion of the drilling pit will be constructed on any fill material, the entire base of the pit will be in the cut. Chevron will ensure 110 percent of secondary containment for any volume of fluids contained at the well site during the drilling and completion operations, including construction of berms or diversion dikes. |
Site Specific | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | This well site was selected to utlize existing lease roads, the lease roads are maintained by Chevron. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | Any waste products will be handled by RN Industries, trash will be confined in a covered container. After the rig moves off location the well sitre will be cleaned and all refused will be removed by Rangely Trash Service and hauled to the approved landfill in Rio Blanco County. A portable toilet will be supplied for human waste. |
Interim Reclamation | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | Any moisture content of the drill cuttings pit will be de-watered and at the time of closure the drill cuttings will meet the standards in table 910-1. The disturbed area not needed for well operations will be revegetated after the site has bee properly prepared - recontouring the area to blend with the surrounding topography. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 400310466 8/30/2012 | Chevron trains all employees in safe work practices, good environmental stewartship. health and wellness issues and to ensure that proper personal protective equipment is available and is being used. Chevron has a up to date Spill Protection Control and Countermeasure Plan for the Rangely Field. Chevron has a zero tolerance policy regarding drug usage, with education and compliance programs to help reinforce these policies. |