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32-16-1 (OWP)
NESW 16 6N91W 6
430051View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
OGLAForm: (02A )
SITE SPECIFIC COAs: A closed loop system must be implemented during drilling (which operator has indicated on the Form 2A); or, if a closed loop system drilling rig is not used/available, then an amended Form 2A will need to be submitted/approved to include a drilling pit, and a Form 15 Earthen Pit Permit will also need to be submitted/approved prior to construction of the pit (the drilling pit will be required to be lined, fenced, and netted). All cuttings generated during drilling with oil based muds or high chloride/TDS mud must be kept in containers, a lined/bermed portion of the well pad, or the lined drilling pit (if permitted and constructed) prior to offsite disposal. The moisture content of any drill cuttings in a cuttings pit, trench, or pile shall be as low as practicable to prevent accumulation of liquids greater than de minimis amounts. Notify the COGCC 48 hours prior to start of pad construction, pit liner installation (if applicable), rig mobilization, spud, and start of hydraulic stimulation operations using Form 42 (the appropriate COGCC individuals will automatically be email notified, including the LGD for hydraulic stimulation operations). Operator must implement best management practices to contain any unintentional release of fluids, including any fluids conveyed via temporary surface pipelines. Operator must ensure secondary containment for any volume of fluids contained at well site during drilling and completion operations (as shown on the Construction Layout Drawings attachment); including, but not limited to, construction of a berm or diversion dike, diversion/collection trenches within and/or outside of berms/dikes, site grading, or other comparable measures (i.e., best management practices (BMPs) associated with stormwater management) sufficiently protective of nearby surface water. Any berm constructed at the well pad location will be stabilized, inspected at regular intervals (at least every 14 days), and maintained in good condition. Flowback and stimulation fluids must be sent to tanks, separators, or other containment/filtering equipment before the fluids can be placed into any pipeline, storage vessel, or lined pit (only if an amended Form 2A has been submitted/approved and a Form 15 Earthen Pit Permitted has been submitted/approved) located on the well pad; or into tanker trucks for offsite disposal. The flowback and stimulation fluid tanks, separators, or other containment/filtering equipment must be placed on the well pad in an area with additional downgradient perimeter berming. The area where flowback fluids will be stored/reused must be constructed to be sufficiently impervious to contain any spilled or released material. Berms or other containment devices shall be constructed to be sufficiently impervious (preferably corrugated steel with poly liner) to contain any spilled or released material around crude oil, condensate, and produced water storage tanks. The moisture content of any freshwater generated drill cuttings in a cuttings pit, trench, or pile shall be as low as practicable to prevent accumulation of liquids greater than de minimis amounts. At the time of closure, if the freshwater generated drill cuttings are to be onsite, they must also meet the applicable standards of table 910-1.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
WildlifeForm: (02A )
1) Where oil and gas activieiew must occur in elk winter concentration areas, conduct these activities outside the time period from December 1 through April 15, emergency and unusual situations exempt. 2) Restrict post-developmet well site visitations betweenthe hours of 10:00 AM an 3:00 PM and reduce well site visitations between December 1 and April 15 in elk winter concentration areas; emergency, unusual, or necessary maintenance situations are exempt; however prior notification to COGCC and CPW is required detailing the needed work and estimated schedule. 3) Avoid aggressive non-native grasses adn shrubs in elk habitat restoration. 4) Reclaim elk habitats with native shurbs, grassed, and forbs appropriate to the ecological site disturbed. 5) Close and immediately reclaim all roads that are redundant, not used regularly, or have been abandonded to the maximum extent possible to minimize disturbance and habitat fragmentation. 6) Establish company guidelines to minimize wildlife mortality from vehicle collisions on private roads. 7) COGCC staff will attach a copy of email correspondence between Gulfport and CPW accepting CPW BMPs, along with CPW's note allowing non-routine work (emergency, unusual, or necessary maintenance situations) to take place between December 1 and April 15 and outside the hours of 10:00 AM an 3:00 PM as deemed necessary by the operator.