PROPOSED BMPs | Form: (07 ) 0 1/23/2012 | Best Management Practices for Union Pacific 154,155,156 & 157Y29 Location
Site Selection:
Site was selected to utilize one location for 4 directionally drilled wells, and this location is located along an existing lease road. No additional road disturbance will be necessary. These 4 (four) producing wells will have gathering lines run to a centralized production facility placed offsite, no large
haul truck will be need to collect fluids.
Erosion Control:
Topsoil Salvage and Storage: "Topsoil will be stockpiled where no vehicle traffic will cross topsoil mounds. Stockpiles shall be protected from wind and water erosion through the use of suitable weed -free mulch, seeding, and other measures as approved by BLM"
"Erosion and polluted runoff from oil and gas operations will be controlled. All Storm Water Discharge Permitting Regulations and BMP's currently required by the State of Colorado will be strictly complied with, particularly when streams may be affected." To minimize sedimentation of drainage channels and
wetlands during the interim period between construction activity and final reclamation, temporary erosion and sediment control measures should be applied."
All temporary tanks on the drilling location will have secondary containment and the secondary containment will be engineered to handle 150% of calculated volumes per Chevron policy.
"Surface disturbance minimization. Existing roads shall be used to the greatest extent practicable to avoid erosion and minimize the land area devoted to oil and gas operations. Roadbeds shall be engineered to avoid or minimize impacts to riparian areas or wetlands to the extent practicable. Unavoidable impacts shall be mitigated. To the greatest extent practicable, all vehicles used by the operator, contractors, and other parties associated with the well shall not travel outside of the original access road boundary"
Wildlife Issues:
Design powerlines to minimize raptor electrocution risk. "Incorporate powerline and pole or tower designs
to minimize the risk of raptor electrocution."
Health and Safety:
Chevron has a zero - tolerance policy regarding drug usage. All subcontractors prior to working in the Rangely Weber Sand Unit will have to demonstrate active drug, alcohol, and safety programs regarding hiring, training and conducting spot- checking programs. Chevron has a education and compliance program to help reinforce the zero - tolerance policy."
Train employees in safety practices; ensure use of protective equipment.
Emergency Response Plan: Hazardous /toxic materials safety: "Train all employees in effective environmental health and safety practices and ensure that proper personal protective equipment is available and being used"