OGLA | Form: (02A ) 400564976 7/15/2014 | Notify the COGCC 48 hours prior to start of pad construction, rig mobilization, spud, start of hydraulic stimulation operations, start of flowback operations using Form 42 (the appropriate COGCC individuals will automatically be email notified, including the LGD for hydraulic stimulation operations). |
OGLA | Form: (02A ) 400564976 7/15/2014 | Operator must ensure secondary containment for any volume of fluids contained at well site during drilling and completion operations; including, but not limited to, construction of a berm or diversion dike, diversion/collection trenches within and/or outside of berms/dikes, site grading, or other comparable measures (i.e., best management practices (BMPs) associated with stormwater management) sufficiently protective of nearby surface water. Any berm constructed at the well pad location will be stabilized, inspected at regular intervals (at least every 14 days), and maintained in good condition.
The access road will be maintained as to not allow any sediment to migrate from the access road to nearby surface water or any drainages leading to surface water.
Strategically apply fugitive dust control measures, including enforcing established speed limits on private roads, to reduce fugitive dust and coating of vegetation and deposition in water sources.
The location is in an area of moderate run-on/run-off potential; therefore standard stormwater BMPs must be implemented at this location to insure compliance with CDPHE and COGCC requirements and to prevent any stormwater run-on and /or stormwater run-off.
Berms or other containment devices shall be constructed to be sufficiently impervious (corrugated steel with poly liner) to contain any spilled or released material around crude oil, condensate, and produced water storage tanks. |
OGLA | Form: (02A ) 400564976 7/15/2014 | The moisture content of any drill cuttings in a cuttings pit, trench, or pile shall be as low as practicable to prevent accumulation of liquids greater than de minimis amounts. At the time of closure, if drill cuttings are to remain/disposed of onsite, they must also meet the applicable standards of table 910-1.
Flowback and stimulation fluids must be sent to tanks, separators, or other containment/filtering equipment before the fluids can be placed into any pipeline, storage vessel, or pit located on the well pad; or into tanker trucks for offsite disposal. The flowback and stimulation fluid tanks, separators, or other containment/filtering equipment must be placed on the well pad in an area constructed to be sufficiently impervious to contain any spilled or released material. |
OGLA | Form: (02A ) 400564976 7/15/2014 | Operator shall pressure test pipelines in accordance with Rule 1101.e.(1) prior to putting into initial service any temporary surface or permanent buried pipelines and following any reconfiguration of the pipeline network.
Operator must routinely inspect the entire length of the surface pipeline to ensure integrity. Operator shall conduct daily inspections of surface poly pipeline routes for leaks during active transfer of fluids and implement best management practices to contain any unintentional release of fluids along all portions of the surface pipeline route where temporary pumps and other necessary equipment are located. Inspections shall be conducted by viewing the length of the pipeline; operator will endeavor to minimize surface disturbance during pipeline monitoring. In addition, pump stations along the surface poly or steel pipeline route will be continuously monitored when operating in order to swiftly respond to such a failure.
Operator must ensure no release of fluids at all stream, intermittent stream, ditch, and drainage crossings. For these crossings: operator will ensure appropriate containment by either installing over-sized pipe “sleeves” which extend the length of the crossing and beyond to a distance deemed adequate to capture and/or divert any possible release of fluids and prevent fluids from reaching the stream or drainage; or installing over-sized pipe “sleeves” which extend the length of the crossing and installing shut off valves on either side of crossing instead of catchment basins.
Operator will utilize, to the extent practical, all existing access and other public roads, and/or existing pipeline right-of-ways, when placing/routing the surface pipelines. |