Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402574752 1/14/2021 | 1. Flaring of natural gas shall comply with COGCC Rule 903.
2. The unnecessary or excessive venting or flaring of produced natural gas is prohibited.
3. Operator is to provide prior notification to the local emergency dispatch or the local governmental designee of any flaring or venting event.
4. An Operator Monthly Report of Operations, Form 7, requires the reporting of flared, vented or used on the lease gas volumes. The reported volume includes flowback and production gas.
5. The operator is required to obtain and maintain any required air permits from CDPHE.
6. If flaring is requested after Jan 14, 2022, submit a gas capture plan via a Form 4. The Operator may not Flare or Vent pursuant to Rule 903.d.(3) unless and until the Director approves the Form 4.
7. Within 30 days of commencement of flaring: collect a gas sample for laboratory analysis including hydrogen sulfide and submit a Form 43 to upload the laboratory results to the COGCC Environmental Database. Form 43 instructions are on COGCC’s website under Regulation => Forms => Form 43 COGCC Environmental Database.
8. This approval is good until 1/14/2022