Site Specific | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | Fence the well site after drilling to restrict public and wildlife access.
Keep well site location, the road, and the pipeline easement free of noxious weeds, litter and debris.
Spray for noxious weeds, and implement dust control, as needed.
Bayswater Exploration and Production, LLC. will not permit the release or discharge of any toxic or hazardous chemicals or wastes on Owner’s Land.
Construct and maintain gates where any roads used by Bayswater Exploration and Production, LLC. cross through fences on the leased premises.
Final Reclamation | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | All surface restoration shall be accomplished to the satisfaction of Owner.
All reseeding shall be done with grasses consistent with the Rocky Mountain native mix or other grasses reasonably requested by surface owner and during planting period suggested by Owner.
Final reclamation shall be completed to the reasonable satisfaction of the Owner as soon as practical after installation (weather permitting) and in accordance with regulatory agency standards (BLM/COGCC).
Construction | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | Remove only the minimum amount of vegetation necessary for the construction of roads and facilities.
Conserve topsoil during excavation and reuse as cover on disturbed areas to facilitate regrowth of vegetation.
No construction or routine maintenance activities will be performed during periods when the soil is too wet to adequately support construction equipment.
Planning | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | When feasible develop multiple well sites by using directional drilling to reduce cumulative impacts and adverse impacts on wildlife resources. |
Interim Reclamation | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | Utilize only such area around each producing well as is reasonably necessary.
Restore the remainder of the well site location to its original condition within a reasonable time after the completion of operations.
All reseeding shall be done with grasses consistent with the Rocky Mountain native mix or other grasses reasonably requested by surface owner and during planting period suggested by Owner.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | Use a closed-loop drilling mud system to preclude the use of an earthen reserve pits when available. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02 ) 400217965 11/18/2011 | Use water bars, and other measures to prevent erosion and non-source pollution.
Implement and maintain BMPs to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, and site degradation.
Co-locate gas and water gathering lines whenever feasible, and mitigate any erosion problems that arise due to the construction of any pipeline(s).