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LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
WELD  123
NWNW 26 6N63W 6
309787View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
EngineerForm: (06 )
1) Prior to starting plugging operations a bradenhead test shall be performed. If the beginning pressure is greater than 25 psi, contact COGCC Engineer for sampling requirements. If pressure remains at the conclusion of the test, or if any liquids were present contact COGCC Engineer for sampling requirements. The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test. 2) Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU. 3) Properly abandon flowlines. Once flowlines are properly abandoned, file electronic form 42. 4) For 833’ plug: pump plug and displace. If cement is not circulated to surface, shut-in, WOC 4 hours and tag plug – top of plug must be not deeper than 533’ and provide minimum 10 sx plug at the surface. Leave at least 100’ of cement in the wellbore for each plug.
EngineerForm: (04 )
This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before May 26, 2021. Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application.
EngineerForm: (04 )
The Form 7 reporting must reflect the well status dates reported on the Form 4-TA request.
EngineerForm: (04 )
This approval is good for one year and a new application must be made before May 13, 2022. Updates for the planned utilization of the well should be included with the application.
EngineerForm: (04 )
The Form 7 reporting must reflect the well status dates reported on the Form 4-TA request.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Effective Apr 30, 2022 this well will be designated inactive and must be properly returned to production, plugged, have an approved 5B or added to a Form 6A list no later than November 1, 2022.
EngineerForm: (04 )
The Form 7 reporting must reflect the well status dates reported on the Form 4-TA request.
OGLAForm: (06 )
Operator Submitted: This well is part of the AOC (Order 1V-668) Alt MIT program. 3rd party wildlife surveys will be conducted on this well prior to rigging up for P&A activities. Notification will be given to any adjacent building unit occupants within a 1000 feet of the wellhead of planned P&A start date. Please be aware that Form 6 Approval can predate actual rig work by up to several months and that environmental conditions can change quickly over that time. Chevron’s Environmental Site Screening Process incorporates full environmental field clearances within 7 days of a scheduled well-work activity once the well is added to the active workover rig schedule. Should sensitive HPH conditions be identified during the screening process, Chevron will delay the work until conditions (nesting) clear and/or consult directly with CPW for guidance and discussion of potential mitigation measures that may be incorporated. CPW consult not required.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Prior to starting plugging operations a Bradenhead test shall be performed if there has not been a reported Bradenhead test within the 60 days immediately preceding the start of plugging operations. 1) If, before opening the Bradenhead valve, the beginning pressure is greater than 25 psi, sampling is required. 2) If pressure remains at the conclusion of the test, or if any liquids were present during the test, sampling is required. The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test. Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting Instructions. If samples are collected, copies of all final laboratory analytical results shall be provided to the ECMC within three (3) months of collecting the samples.
EngineerForm: (06 )
Operator shall implement measures to control venting, to protect health and safety, and to ensure that vapors and odors from well plugging operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
EngineerForm: (06 )
1) Provide 2 business day notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42, and provide 48 hours Notice of Plugging Operations, prior to mobilizing for plugging operations via electronic Form 42. These are 2 separate notifications, required by Rules 405.e and 405.I. 2) Prior to placing the 783’ plug: verify that all fluid migration (liquid and gas) has been eliminated. If evidence of fluid migration or pressure remains, contact ECMC Engineer for an update to plugging orders. 3) After isolation has been verified, pump surface casing shoe plug. If cement is not circulated to surface, shut-in, WOC 4 hours then tag plug – must be at 533’ or shallower and provide 10 sx plug at the surface. 4) Leave at least 100’ of cement in the wellbore for each plug without mechanical isolation. 5) After cut and prior to cap, verify isolation by either a 15 minute bubble test or 15 minute optical gas imaging recording. If there is indication of flow contact ECMC Engineering. Provide a statement on the 6SRA which method was used and what was observed. Retain records of final isolation test for 5 years. 6) With the Form 6 SRA operator must provide written documentation which positively affirms each COA listed above has been addressed.
EngineerForm: (06 )
FLOWLINE AND SITE CLOSURE 1) Consistent with Rule 911.a, a Form 27 must be approved prior to cut and cap, conducting flowline abandonment, or removing production equipment. Allow 30 days for Director review of the Form 27; include the Form 27 document number on the Form 44 for offsite flowline abandonment (if applicable) and on the Form 6 Subsequent. 2) Properly abandon flowlines per Rule 1105. If flowlines will be abandoned in place, include with the Form 27: pressure test results conducted in the prior 12 months as well as identification of any document numbers for a ECMC Spill/Release Report, Form 19, associated with the abandoned line.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
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