Engineer | Form: (02 ) 401244639 4/17/2017 | 1)Operator shall comply with the most current revision of the Northwest Colorado Notification Policy.
2)Operator shall provide cement coverage from the production casing shoe (4+1/2" FIRST STRING) to a minimum of 200' above the Lower Wasatch (as defined by COGCC in the report "Casing and Cement Standards for Geologic Isolation Piceance Basin Bradenhead Monitoring Area and Nearby Fields," dated April 18, 2016, COGCC Document No. 2056199, Appendix A Field Scout Cards and Annotated Type Logs) to provide isolation of the Lower Wasatch, all Mesaverde Group formations including the Ohio Creek Formation, and underlying formations, if penetrated. Verify production casing cement coverage with a cement bond log. This requirement shall supersede the top of cement requirements in the Mamm Creek Field Notice to Operators.
3)The Operator shall monitor the bradenhead pressure of the proposed well and all offset wells under Operator’s control which penetrate the stimulated formation and have a treated interval separation of 300 feet or less. Monitoring shall occur from 24 hours prior to stimulation and shall continue until 24 hours after stimulation is complete. Recording shall be at a frequency of at least once per 24 hours with the capability of recording the maximum pressure observed during each 24 hour period. Operator shall notify COGCC Engineering staff if bradenhead pressures increase by more than 200 psig.
Engineer | Form: (04 ) 402722825 7/26/2021 | 1. Per Rule 612.b.3 perform H2S gas stream laboratory analysis annually |