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StatusField Name/
LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
WELD  123
NWSE 12 1N65W 6
469568View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
OGLAForm: (02A )
Operator shall post a copy of the approved Form 2A on the location during all construction, drilling, and well completion activities.
EngineerForm: (04 )
Verdad will respond within 15 days to a written request by Commission staff to address any concerns regarding wells subject to this variance.
Final ReviewForm: (04 )
Operator must run and evaluate the cased-hole logs, including a cement bond log before perforating or stimulating the well to determine if remedial cement is necessary to satisfy permit conditions on the Application for Permit to Drill, Form 2.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
PlanningForm: (02A )
Verdad has submitted a WOGLA application with Weld county that addresses site safety and contains an emergency action and tactical response plan. Each location is assigned a physical address for emergency responders to locate the site in the event of an emergency.
General HousekeepingForm: (02A )
Cleanup of trash, scrap, and discarded materials will be conducted at the end of each workday.
General HousekeepingForm: (02A )
Mud control: Operator will implement effective, temporary vehicle tracking control at the location egress to prevent transport of sediment offsite and onto the public road during construction, drilling, completions, stimulation, and flowback operations. Appropriate vehicle tracking control, such as a properly sized cattle guard or 2-inch to 4-inch stone, will still be required during production operations.
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02A )
Control measures for stormwater will be implemented around the perimeter of the pad prior to construction. The control measures will include: a large volume detention ditch and diversion berm around the perimeter of the pad disturbance, to prevent stormwater from flowing off the pad and to direct stormwater flows to the sediment traps; two sediment traps with armored inlets and outlets at the north side and southeast corner of the pad to detain stormwater runoff from the pad and allow sediment to settle from the stormwater; and wattles at the sediment trap outlets to slow the departure of the water from the sediment trap and further remove any remaining sediment from the stormwater. These control measures will remain in place and maintained throughout operations until final reclamation and be modified as appropriate to observations during Stormwater inspections. The control measures described will manage stormwater flow to prevent erosion and sediment transport to the centerline ditch to the East of the pad. Inspections on storm water controls will be conducted every 14 days during construction, drilling and completions. Once per month after that, until interim reclamation is completely established (approximately 2 years). Once per year after that until facility abandoned.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02A )
To minimize potential impacts to soil or groundwater, the operator shall construct the secondary containment areas for the tanks with a steel berm with a capacity of greater than 150% of the volume of the largest tank and an impervious poly or spray in liner. Separators are surrounded by steel berms and built on top of road base that is approximately 1-2 feet thick and compacted so that it is sufficiently impervious to greatly minimize impact to the soil or groundwater from any potential leak or drip from the separators. Sites are visited daily so a spill would be detected and cleaned up before any significant infiltration could occur. The berms would contain a spill from leaving the area around the separators.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02A )
Drip pans will be used during fueling of equipment to contain spills and leaks. AVO (Audio, Visual, Olfactory) inspections of pipe and connections will be performed daily on production equipment to detect leaks which will be immediately corrected, repaired and reported to COGCC as required. Spill prevention Control Countermeasure (SPCC) will be in place to address any possible spill associated with oil and gas operations.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02A )
Wells shall have remote shut-in capabilities to mitigate spills and safety issues. Remote shut-in will allow operator to immediately shut a well in, in the event of a reported problem on location or in the event of a potential threat such as a grass fire or flood.
Dust controlForm: (02A )
To prevent dust from becoming a nuisance to the public, water trucks will be utilized to spread water across any dust problem areas.
ConstructionForm: (02A )
MLVT Size is 120’DX14’H and the volume is 25,000 BBLS. Vendor/Manufacture will be Select Energy Services. It will be on location for 45 days during completion operations. Operator will follow the COGCC guidance policy dated June 13, 2014 on the use of MLVTs. The MLVT will be on site for approximately 30 days during completion operations.
ConstructionForm: (02A )
Operator will install a steel fence/corral panels around the water well west of the disturbance to keep construction operations from any potential impact to the well.
Noise mitigationForm: (02A )
Operator will consult with owners of residences and occupied structures and other stakeholders to reduce impact of noise and light during drilling and completion operations. The direction of prevailing winds is considered when planning the location in order to mitigate odor and noise from being a nuisance to the surrounding residents and occupied structures. In order to minimize sound levels during drilling operations at nearby residences, rig generators will be located as far as possible from the residence, on the north side of the pad. Rig lighting will also be directed away from residential units. Operator will install sound walls to the south and west. Operator commits to quiet frac fleets.
Emissions mitigationForm: (02A )
Operator will employ automated tank gauges to allow for the gauging of liquids without opening the thief hatch. This will minimize the number of times a thief hatch will be opened and further reduce the vapor emissions from tank.
Emissions mitigationForm: (02A )
Test separators and associated flow lines, sand traps and emission control systems shall be installed on-site to accommodate green completions techniques. When commercial quantities of salable quality gas are achieved at each well, the gas shall be immediately directed to a sales line or shut in and conserved. If a sales line is unavailable or other conditions prevent placing the gas into a sales line, the operator shall not produce the wells without an approved variance per Rule 805.b.(3)C.
Odor mitigationForm: (02A )
To reduce odors during drilling and completion, the rig will be washed of oily debris before moving in. D822 is our base fluid which is a distillate and has the benefits of lower BTEX levels and is recognized as having lower odor than traditional oil based mud. Operator will utilize drying shakers or vertical dryers which will minimize residual oil on cuttings prior to transport and will promptly remove 4-5 loads of cuttings per day during drilling operations which should help to reduce odors.
Drilling/Completion OperationsForm: (02A )
During drilling operations 12 inches of cement is placed under the rig surrounded by a compacted soil berm to prevent any soil contamination. Drilling mud is stored in large volume tanks that will be surrounded by impervious secondary containment.