General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401257626 7/27/2017 | General housekeeping will consist of neat and orderly storage of materials and fluids. Wastes will be temporarily stored in sealed containers and regularly collected and disposed of at offsite, suitable facilities. If spills occur, prompt cleanup is required to minimize any commingling of waste materials with stormwater runoff. Routine maintenance will be limited to fueling and lubrication of equipment. Drip pans will be used during routine fueling and maintenance to contain spills or leaks. Any waste product from maintenance will be containerized and transported offsite for disposal or recycling. There will be no major equipment overhauls conducted onsite. Equipment will be transported offsite for major overhauls. Cleanup of trash and discarded materials will be conducted at the end of each work day. Cleanup will consist of patrolling the roadway, access areas, and other work areas to pick up trash, scrap debris, other discarded materials, and any contaminated soil. These materials will be disposed of properly. |
Wildlife | Form: (02A ) 401257626 7/27/2017 | A burrowing owl habitat study was conducted on 2/22/2017. It was determined the distance to the nearest burrowing owl habitat is greater than the CPW recommended distance of 150 feet. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 401257626 7/27/2017 | Stormwater management plans (SWMP) are in place to address construction, drilling and operations associated with Oil & Gas development throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) and General Permit No. COR-038637. BMP’s will be constructed around the perimeter of the site prior to, or at the beginning of construction. BMP’s used will vary according to the location and will remain in place until the pad reaches final reclamation. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401257626 7/27/2017 | Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans are in place to address any possible spill associated with Oil & Gas operations throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with CFR 112. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401257626 7/27/2017 | Water Vault BMP:
1. A contiguous spray liner will be installed and will underlay the entire tank battery. The location of a partially buried cement water vault will be excavated prior to liner install.
2. A 60 bbl cement water vault will be utilized to collect excess produced water from oil tanks. Produced water in the vault will be removed as needed and disposed of in an approved UIC disposal well. The cement water vault is one piece with no seams designed to minimize potential for leaks. All piping associated with the use of the water vault will be aboveground and visually inspected on a regular basis.
3. The partially buried cement water vault will be installed above the spray in liner.
4. A sized steel secondary containment ring will be installed surrounding the entire tank battery. Sand and gravel bedding will be installed to protect the liner prior to placing equipment in the containment area. |
Planning | Form: (04 ) 403090607 7/1/2022 | Secondary containment: Operator will install perimeter controls to control potential sediment-laden runoff in the event of spill or release from Modular Large Volume Storage Tank
Vehicle fueling: Operator will refuel vehicles only on impervious surfaces and never during storm events
Vehicle fueling: Operator will ensure that a fueling contractor is present during the entire fueling process to prevent overfilling, leaks and drips from improper connections
Dust suppression: Operator will not use produced water or other process fluids for dust suppression
Liners - A minimum 30-mil poly liner will be utilized under the drilling rig, mud tanks, shakers and drill cuttings bins. During completions, most equipment associated with hydraulic fracturing will be underlain by a minimum 30-mil poly liner with drive-over foam berms. Bulk liquids used during D&C activities, including chemical injection skids, acid and chlorine tanks, and fuel tanks will be containerized in appropriate sealed vessels and underlain by an impervious liner and/or secondary containment system capable of containing any spill or leak from that vessel.
Groundwater Sampling – Operator will comply with the sampling requirements in Rules 615.c and 907.b.(9) or request exceptions to the requirements in previous Rules 318.A.f and 609.d.(3). |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (04 ) 403090607 7/1/2022 | Operator acknowledges and will comply with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Policy on the Use of Modular Large Volume Tanks in Colorado dated June 13,2014. |