Planning | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Identification of P&A wells (Rule 604.c.(2)U
GWOC shall identify the location of the P&A wellbore with a permanent monument as specified in Rule 319.a.(5). The operator shall also inscribe or imbed the well number and date of plugging upon the permanent monument. P&A wellbores shall be cutoff well below ground surface in agricultural areas to provide for landowners to safely farm the reclaimed well area.
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Development from existing well pads (Rule 604.c.(2)V
Where possible, GWOC shall provide for the development of multiple reservoirs by drilling on existing pads. GWOC strives to utilize multi-well pads wherever technically and economically practicable to minimize potential impacts to neighbors and the environment. Multi-well pads are not always feasible due to numerous possible issues including but not limited to; landowner requirements, topographic constraints, well bore reaches, setback requirements, etc.
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Light Mitigation
Light sources will be directed downwards, and away from occupied structures where possible. Once the drilling and completion rigs leave the site, there will be no permanently installed lighting on site.
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | In order to reduce truck traffic, water will be pumped during the completions phase. |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Traffic Plan (Rule 604.c.(2)D.
An access route from the highway or county road to the proposed oil and gas location has been prearranged. Required access road permits will be obtained before construction begins and any special requirements outlined by the municipality will be followed. Emergency routes will be chosen prior to the commencement of operations and will be clearly marked and maintained throughout drilling, completion and production activities.
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Removal of Surface Trash (Rule 604.c.(2)P
All surface debris, trash, unusable scrap, or solid waste from the facility will be properly temporarily stored on location in a secure container and ultimately removed and disposed of in a legal manner.
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Well site cleared (Rule 604.c.(2)T
Within ninety (90) days after a well is plugged and abandoned, the well site shall be cleared of all non-essential equipment, trash, and debris.
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Housekeeping
General housekeeping will consist of neat and orderly storage of materials and fluids. Wastes will be temporarily stored in sealed containers and regularly collected and disposed of at offsite, suitable facilities. If spills occur cleanup will be implemented within 24-48 hours, as appropriate, to minimize any commingling of waste materials with storm water runoff. Routine maintenance will be limited to fueling and lubrication of equipment. Drip pans will be used during routine fueling and maintenance to contain spills or leaks. Any waste product from maintenance will be containerized and transported offsite for disposal or recycling. There will be no major equipment overhauls conducted onsite. Equipment will be transported offsite for major overhauls. Cleanup will consist of patrolling the roadways, access areas, and other work areas to pick up trash, scrap debris, other discarded materials, and any contaminated soil. These materials will be disposed of properly. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP)
Storm Water Management Plans (SWMP) are in place to address construction, drilling and operations associated with Oil and Gas development throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE). Storm water controls will be constructed around the perimeter of the site prior to construction. Typically, GWOC utilizes a ditch and berm system of storm water control at its sites. BMP’s used are determined just prior to construction by a third-party storm water contractor and may vary according to the location. Storm water controls will remain in place until the pad is stabilized or reaches final reclamation.
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Material Handling and Spill Prevention
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plans in place to address any possible spills associated with Oil and Gas operations throughout the state of Colorado in accordance with CFR 112.
In accordance with COGCC Rule 1002.f.(2)A. & B., shall provide a designated storage area for dry bulk chemicals and miscellaneous fluids. The dry chemicals in the storage area shall be adequately protected to prevent contact with precipitation, shall be elevated above storm- or standing water, and shall provide sufficient containment for liquid chemical storage to prevent release of spilled fluids from impacting soil, surface water or groundwater and will prevent the co-mingling of spilled fluids or chemicals with other E & P Waste.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Leak Detection Plan (Rule 604.c(2)F.
GWOC designs its new facilities to both avoid leaks or releases as well as to help detect them in a time-efficient manner to minimize potential impacts. Tanks and all visible pipelines and valves etc. are inspected informally on a daily basis by company lease operators. In addition, GWOC also conducts formal annual SPCC inspections, and formal site specific and random audits, by third-party consultants to inspect for general site conditions as well as condition of tanks, pipelines, and containment structures. In addition, our company lease operators and Production staff review production records, including volumes and pressures, looking for irregularities that may indicate a problem with a tank or pipeline. If an irregularity is detected that may indicate a potential release the suspect tank and/or pipeline(s) are removed from service, isolated, and either pressure tested or visibly inspected for indications of a potential leak.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Berm Construction (Rule 604.c.(2)G.
A minimum containment capacity of 150% of the single largest storage vessel inside the containment will be constructed around any new liquids storage area within a designated setback zone. For this location, steel containment with sealed liners will be utilized at all storage facilities on this location.
Tanks and all visible pipelines and valves etc. will be inspected informally on a daily basis by company lease operators. In addition, GWOC also conducts formal annual SPCC inspections, and formal site specific and random audits, by third-party consultants to inspect for general site conditions as well as condition of tanks, pipelines, and containment structures. Inspections will be recorded and made available to COGCC upon request.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Fencing requirements (Rule 604.c.(2)M
At a minimum GWOC installs appropriate fencing to restrict access by any unauthorized persons. This fencing may vary depending on site-specific situations, such as reasonable security, local government or surface owner concerns. Fencing will be properly noted on facility. Fencing will be properly noted on facility layout diagrams for both drilling/completion and the production phases of operations. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Control of Fire Hazards (Rule 604.c.(2)N
GWOC constructs and operates our facilities to meet state and API codes, as appropriate, including API RP 500 electrical classifications inside bermed areas. Any unused potentially flammable materials are moved a minimum distance of 25-feet from wellhead, tanks, and separator areas. In addition, GWOC implements a Hot Work Permit Program for employees and contractors doing any defined ‘Hot Work’ activities on GWOC locations.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Load lines (Rule 604.c.(2)O
In any designated setback zone all loadlines are capped or bullplugged or locked shut to reduce the likelihood of a release occurring. In addition, GWOC places all load line receivers/valves inside secondary containment areas or in a proper load line containment device or both.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Guy line anchors (Rule 604.c.(2)Q
Guy line anchors left buried for future use shall be identified by a brightly colored marker at least 4-feet in height and within 1-foot to the east of the anchor.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Tank specifications (Rule 604.c.(2)R
All newly installed or replaced crude oil and condensate storage tanks shall be designed, constructed, and maintained in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 30 (2008 version). GWOC shall maintain written records verifying proper design, construction, and maintenance, and shall make these records available for inspection by the Director. Only the 2008 version of NFPA Code 30 applies to this rule.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Access Roads (Rule 604.c.(2)S
All access roads are designed, constructed, and maintained such that heavy equipment, including emergency response vehicles, can readily access and exit the location. The pad has all weather access roads to allow for operator and emergency response. In addition, GWOC will implement manual mud mitigation measures (eg. tracking control rock aprons) at location exits onto paved roads as necessary and in conjunction with county requirements.
Noise mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Noise (Rule 604.c.(2)A.
Great Western Operating Company, L.L.C. (GWOC) will operate in accordance with permissible noise levels per COGCC Rule 604.c.(2)A. and 802, as applicable. Where possible, drilling rig and completion equipment engine exhaust will be directed away from occupied buildings to assist with noise mitigation. These practices will be implanted upon initiation of drilling and production. No noise issues are expected at this site since we are over 1000' away from the nearest building unit.
From the floor of the drill pad to top of berm is 32’. This blockade will assist in noise mitigation.
Emissions mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Green Completions (Rule 604.c.(2)C.
As applicable, per COGCC Rule 805, GWOC will utilize all reasonable and cost-efficient best practices, including but not limited to those listed in Rule 805, to maximize resource recovery and mitigate releases to the environment.
• Initial frac and drill out effluent is routed through a sand catcher/trap and a junk/sand tank to remove sand and well frac debris.
• Once any hydrocarbons are detected but prior to encountering salable quality combustible gas or significant volumes of liquid hydrocarbons (condensate or oil) (greater than 10 barrels per day average) the effluent is routed through a high-pressure separator and closed-top tanks to minimize emissions to the environment. Hydrocarbon liquids, produced water, and sand are separated utilizing the high-pressure separator.
• The quality (combustibility) of the gas is typically monitored directly at the high-pressure separator. When salable (combustible) quality gas is measured/detected the gas stream is immediately diverted to the sales pipeline or the well is shut in.
• The separated produced water and hydrocarbon liquids (condensate/oil) are directed to specific tanks for storage until being unloaded and hauled to disposal or sales as appropriate.
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Odors Mitigation
Where possible, drilling rig and completion equipment engine exhaust will be directed away from occupied buildings to assist in mitigating potential odors. Sealed tanks with pressure relief valves and emissions controls will be utilized for the production phase.
Great Western will be using a synthetic oil based drilling fluid called D822. Based upon laboratory analysis, the D822 contains lower levels of VOC and aromatics when compared to diesel. This will be used during the drilling phase in order to minimize any possible odors emitting from the site.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Closed Loop Drilling Systems - Pit Restrictions (Rule 604.c.(2)B.
GWOC is utilizing a Closed Loop Drilling System on the subject facility. No open pit storage of water will be used for this facility.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Multi-well Pads (Rule 604.c.(2)E.
This is a multi-well pad. GWOC utilizes multi-well pads wherever technically and economically practicable to minimize potential impacts to neighbors and the environment. The pad has all weather access roads to allow for operator and emergency response.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | BOPE for well servicing (Rule 604.c.(2)J
A BOPE with a minimum pressure rating of 3,000 psi will be utilized. At a minimum it will consist of 2 ram preventers and 1 annular preventer. The blind rams will be positioned below the pipe rams. A backup system of pressure control will be onsite consisting of at a minimum 1,000 psi accumulator (backup pressure). Accumulator is tested to 1,000 psi. Operator may use fixed sized pipe rams matching the tubular size. The annular preventer will be pressure tested to 250 psi low and 2,000 psi high for 10 minutes each. The ram preventers will be tested to 250 psi low and 2,500 psi high for 10 minutes each. All remaining well control equipment will be tested to 250 psi low and 2,500 psi high for 10 minutes each. The pressure tests will be conducted when the equipment is first installed and every 30 days thereafter. Pipe rams and blind rams will be function tested before every well service operation. Annual BOP inspections and pressure tests will be performed by the service company and will be charted & retained for 1 year. Backup stabbing valves shall be used on operations that require reverse circulation. Valves will be pressure tested before each well service operation in low pressure and high pressure range. The GWOC onsite representative will be certified in Well Control Operations by a Well-Cap certified training service.
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401128265 3/6/2017 | Pit level indicators (Rule 604.c.(2)K
GWOC does not typically utilize pits in any of its operations. No pits will be used for this facility.