Planning | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | The EWS Facility #4 is the unloading station and storage facility for fluids to be injected in the EWS 4 and EWS 4A Class II UIC injection wells. It will be connected to the EWS 4 and EWS 4A wells with buried pipelines. |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Access road. The access road will be constructed to accommodate local emergency vehicles. This road will be maintained for access at all times. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Removal of surface trash. All trash, debris and material not intrinsic to the operation of the oil and gas facility shall be removed and legally disposed of as is applicable. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Leak Detection Plan. Pumper will visit the location daily and visually inspect all tanks and fittings for leaks. Additionally, monthly documented SPCCP inspections are conducted pursuant to 40 CFR §112. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Berm construction. The tank battery on EWS Location #4 will be contained within a concrete containment structure designed to contain 150% of the capacity of the largest tank. The containment will be visually checked periodically to ensure proper working condition. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Load-lines. All load-lines shall be bull-plugged or capped. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Tank specifications. Tanks will be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with NFPA Code 30. The tanks are visually inspected once a day for issues, and recorded inspections are conducted once a month. |
Noise mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Permanent equipment on location shall be muffled to reduce noise, or shall be appropriately buffered.
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Oil & gas facilities and equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | No wells are planned at this site. |
Final Reclamation | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Within 90-day subsequent to the time of plugging and abandonment of the entire site, superfluous debris and equipment shall be removed from the site. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401126279 1/13/2017 | Lighting abatement measures shall be implemented, including the installation lighting shield devices on all of the more conspicuous lights, low density sodium lighting where practicable. |