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Facility TypeFacility ID/
Facility Name/
Operator Name/
StatusField Name/
LocationLocation IDRelated Facilities
LOCATION447902Shull Pad
WELD  123
NENW 31 9N59W 6
447902View Related
COGIS - Conditions of Approval Results
TypeSource DocumentConditions of Approval
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Proposed BMPs per layout drawing attacedh appears to be sufficient for the location. Proactive stormwater management is required. If it is determined that a specific BMP is insufficient to mitigate degradation on a site, cannot be implemented per installation specification, or maintained in effective operating condition, then alternative BMPs that are better suited to meet the site’s conditions should be considered and applied, or used in conjunction.
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Approval/Passing of the form 4 acknowledges that the Oil and Gas Conservation Commission has received the notice. It is not an acknowledgement that inspection has been passed. A field inspection will be conducted at a future date to evaluate compliance with COGCC standards.
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Signage: Pursuant to the NTO, Operator shall post a sign at the location entrance stating thefollowing: "A COGCC variance has been approved to delay the commencementof interim reclamation to no later than October 17th, 2023". This statement may be appended to an existing sign on location provided it isplainly visible.
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Timing and Repurpose: The intent if the NTO is to allow the Operator to leave areas open to conduct planned operations. Once operations are complete or not necessary, then reclamation must be conducted per the reclamation rules. Reclamation will be required within 5 years from the date stated on the surface owner letter document (10/17/2018) or after all the wells have been drilled and put intoproduction per the reclamation rule timing, whichever is shorter.   Atno time shall the non-reclaimed areas on the location be repurposed for any other activity other than production operations without explicit permission granted through a 502.b. variance, reviewed by reclamation staff and approved by the Director.
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Bonding: Approval of this request is contingent upon receipt of bonding to COGCC based on the estimate provided to conduct interim reclamation at this site. Financial assurance bonds must be received within 45 days from the email notification forthis request.
Reclamation SpecialistForm: (04 )
Map agreement: Approval of this form is an approval of the NTO request only. Areas detailed in the attached map may not encompass the exact areas needed for production operations or the required interim reclamation areas. Future assessments regarding the size and extent of the areas needed for production and interim reclamation will be determined on the ground by reclamation staff during a field inspection.
COGIS - Best Management Practice Results
BMP TypeSource DocumentBest Management Practices
Storm Water/Erosion ControlForm: (02A )
Stormwater management plan (SWMP) will be in place to address construction, drilling, and operations associated with oil and gas development throughout the state of Colorado. BMPs will be constructed and used as necessary to prevent stormwater from leaving the construction site. BMPs used will vary according to location, and will remain until the pad is reclaimed.
Material Handling and Spill PreventionForm: (02A )
Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan will be in place to address any possible spill associated with oil and gas operations throughout the state of Colorado. -Materials and fluids will be stored in a neat and orderly fashion. -Waste will be collected regularly and disposed of at an onsite facility. -Prompt cleanup is required of spills to minimize waste materials entering the stormwater runoff. -Drip pans will be used during fueling and maintenance to contain spills or leaks. -Cleanup of trash and discarded material will be done at the end of the work day. -Cleanup will consist of monitoring the road, location, and any other work areas. -Material to be cleaned up includes trash, scrap, and contaminated soil.
ConstructionForm: (04 )
Operator will have an MLVT Design Package, certified and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, which is on file in their office and available upon request. The site shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the design package prior to tank installation; including ensuring that proper compaction requirements have been met. The MLVT will be at least 75 feet from a wellhead, fired vessel, heater-treater, or a compressor with a rating of 200 horsepower or more. It will be placed at least 50 feet from a separator, well test unit, or other non-fired equipment. All liner seams will be welded and tested in accordance with applicable ASTM international standards. Operator will be present during initial filling of the MLVT and the contractor will supervise and inspect the MLVT for leaks during filling. Operator will comply with the testing and re-inspection requirements and associated written standard operating procedures (SOP) listed on the design package. Signs will be posted on the MLVT indicating that the contents are freshwater. The MLVT will be operated with a minimum of 1 foot of freeboard at all times. Access to the MLVT will be limited to operational personnel and authorized regulatory agency personnel. Operator or contractor will conduct daily visual inspections of the exterior wall and surrounding area for integrity deficiencies. Operator will have a contingency plan/emergency response plan associated with the MLVT and it is on file at their office. A fabric reinforced liner will be utilized. In the event that a tank breach were to occur, the fabric reinforced liner will prevent a “zippering” failure from occurring. The liner will meet the specifications per the design package. Operator acknowledges and will comply with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Policy on the Use of Modular Large Volume Tanks in Colorado dated June 13, 2014.