Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | Wells will be equipped with remote shut-in capabilities prior to commencing production. The shut-in capabilities will be located outside of the associated floodplain and will also have the capability of being remotely operated via the BCEI SCADA system. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | This location will have secondary containment, in the form of a steel ring, constructed around the tanks and will include a synthetic or geosynthetic liner that is mechanically connected to the steel ring. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | Tanks, including partially buried cement vaults, and separation equipment will be anchored to the ground. Anchors will be engineered to support the Tank and separation equipment and to resist flotation, collapse, lateral movement, or subsidence. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | Production Pits, Special Purpose Pits (other than Emergency Pits), and flowback pits containing E&P waste will not be installed or constructed within a defined Floodplain without prior Director approval. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | The following procedure describes BCEI standard construction practices for setting a partially buried pre-cast cement water vault and new tank battery construction.
1) The excavation will first be lined with 4” of clay or other low permeability soil.
2) A 30 mil liner will be installed on top of the low permeability soil. The 30 mil liner will be a contiguous liner which will underlay the entire tank battery.
3) The tank battery / water vault liner will be keyed into a galvanized steel containment ring installed surrounding the tank battery.
4) Sand bedding will be installed to protect the synthetic liner prior to placing equipment in the containment area.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400819871 5/29/2015 | Bonanza Creek Energy Operating Company acknowledges and will comply with the “COGCC Policy On the Use of Modular Large Volume Tanks in Colorado” dated June 13, 2014. |