Planning | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).R. Tank Specifications: A geosynthetic liner will be laid under the tanks on this location and a metal containment will be constructed. Storage tanks will be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 30 (2008 version). KMG will maintain written records to verify proper design, construction and maintenance. All records will be available for inspection by the Director. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).S. Access Roads: KMG will utilize a lease access road from WCR 13. The road will be properly constructed and maintained to accommodate for local emergency vehicle access.
Water will be placed on dirt access roads to mitigate dust as needed. Magnesium chloride will also be used as needed on access roads to further abate dust.
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).D. Traffic Plan: If required by the local government, a traffic plan will be coordinated with the local jurisdiction prior to commencement of operations.
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).P. Removal of Surface Trash: A commercial size trash bin for removing debris will be located on site. This bin will be for use by all parties affiliated with the operation. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).W. Site-Specific Measures: KMG maintains a Stormwater Management Plan that assesses erosion control for every KMG operated location. This location will be added to this plan once construction begins. This site will be inspected every fourteen (14) days during construction activities, every thirty (30) days after construction is completed, and after any major weather event. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).F. Leak Detection Plan: Automation technology will be utilized at this facility. This technology includes the use of fluid level monitoring for the tanks and produced water sumps, high-level shut offs, and electronic sensors to monitor the interstitial space of double-walled produced water sumps. All automation is monitored by Kerr-McGee’s Integrated Operations Center (IOC,) which is manned 24 hours per day, 7 days per week. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).N. Control of Fire Hazards: KMG and its contractors will employ best management practices during the drilling and production of its wells and facilities and will comply with appropriate COGCC rules concerning safety and fire. KMG will ensure that any material that might be deemed a fire hazard will remain no less than twenty-five (25) feet from the wellhead(s), tanks and separator(s). |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).G. Berm Construction: A geosynthetic liner will be laid under the tanks on this location and a metal containment will be constructed. Berms or other secondary containment devices will be constructed around crude oil, condensate, and produced water storage tanks and shall enclose an area sufficient to contain and provide secondary containment for 150% of the largest single tank. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).C. Green Completions: KMG will install Vapor Recovery Unit(s) (VRU) to prevent uncontrolled venting of flash gas. Environmental Control Devices or Volatile Organic Compound Combustors (VOC) will be used to control working and breathing vapor losses for oil and water tanks. Temporary above ground polyethylene water pipelines will deliver water to location operations from larger trunk lines to reduce truck traffic and minimize air pollution. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 400545466 4/13/2014 | 604c.(2).K. Pit Level Indicators: All tanks (used in lieu of pits) contain pit level monitors with Electronic Drilling Recorders (EDR). KMG uses EDRs with pit level monitor(s) and alarm(s) for production rigs. Basic level gages are used on tanks utilized for the surface rig. |