Planning | Form: (02A ) 400440261 10/4/2013 | Fresh water for the Fresh Water Storage Pit comes from water provider; water sources permitted for consumable industrial use. Fresh Water Storage Pit shall contain fresh water only and signage prohibiting the use of the pit for any fluid that does not come from municipal, irrigation or surface water source.Operator will participate in the Colorado Oil & Gas Association Voluntary Baseline Groundwater Quality Sampling Program.Operator will implement interim reclamation measures immediately after construction of the location to stabilize cut and fill slopes, stabilize the topsoil and spoil stockpiles, establish desirable vegetation and control weeds on the location. A Form 15 Pit Report will be submitted within 30 days of construction of the fresh water storage pit. |
Pre-Construction | Form: (02A ) 400440261 10/4/2013 | The COGCC to be notified 48 hours prior to construction of the Fresh Water Storage Pit. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 400440261 10/4/2013 | Operator has designed the well pad with insloping and a storm water control ditch to prevent storm water run-on/runoff and the release of fluids from the location. See attached Construction Layout Drawing. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 400440261 10/4/2013 | Operator will ensure 110 percent secondary containment for any volume of fluids contained at the well site during drilling and completion. Operator will implement best management practices to contain any unintentional release of fluids. Operator shall not allow any fluids to flow back to the Fresh Water Storage Pit/Pond. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400440261 10/4/2013 | The location will be fenced and the fenced area will include the Fresh Water Storage Pit. |