General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | 804. Visual Impacts: All long term facility structures will be painted a color that enables the facilities to blend in with the natural background color of the landscape, as seen from a viewing distance and location typically used by the public |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Maintain appearance with garbage clean-up; a trash bin will be located on site to accumulate waste by the personnel drilling the wells. Site will have unused equipment, trash and junk removed immediately. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Implement and maintain BMPs to control stormwater runoff in a manner that minimizes erosion, transport of sediment offsite, and site degradation. Co-locate gas and water gathering lines whenever feasible, and mitigate any erosion problems that arise due to the construction of any pipeline(s). Location will be covered under Extraction Oil & Gas’s field wide permit, permit number COR03M013. |
Storm Water/Erosion Control | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Storm Water/Erosion Control:
Berming with sediment traps and wattles will be installed where necessary to protect surface water. |
Material Handling and Spill Prevention | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Material Handling and Spill Prevention:
Tank berms shall be constructed of steel rings with a synthetic or engineered liner and designed to contain 150% of the capacity of the largest tank. All berms will be visually checked weekly at a minimum to a maximum of daily to ensure proper working condition. Secondary containment devices shall be sufficiently impervious to contain any spilled or released material. |
Dust control | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | 805.c. Operator shall employ practices for control of fugitive dust caused by their operations. Such practices shall include but are not limited to the use of speed restrictions, regular road maintenance, restriction of construction activity during high- wind days, and silica dust controls when handling sand used in hydraulic fracturing operations. Additional management practices such as road surfacing, wind breaks and barriers may be used. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | 803. Permanent lighting will be installed around the facility to allow both the operator and haulers to conduct safe operations at night. All lights will be directed down toward the location or shielded so no light pollution leaves the facility. |
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | 805. Oil & gas facilities and equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. Operator is in the process of implementing a new base fluid for Oil Base Mud systems. The aromatics and BTEX concentrations are much less than that of generic diesel. With these two things being the major contributors to the odor from diesel, this should lead to less odor at the drill site caused by OBM. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Anti-collision: Operator will perform an anti-collision evaluation of all active (producing, shut in, or temporarily abandoned) offset wellbores that have the potential of being within 150 feet of a proposed well prior to drilling operations for the proposed well. Notice shall be given to all offset operators prior to drilling. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator has an MLVT Design Package, certified and sealed by a licensed professional engineer, which is on file in their office and available upon request. The site shall be prepared in accordance with the specifications of the design package prior to tank installation; including ensuring that proper compaction requirements have been met. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | The MLVT will be at least 75 feet from a wellhead, fired vessel, heater-treater, or a compressor with a rating of 200 horsepower or more. It will be placed at least 50 feet from a separator, well test unit, or other non-fired equipment. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | All liner seams will be welded and tested in accordance with applicable ASTM International standards. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator will be present during initial filling of the MLVT and the contractor will supervise and inspect the MLVT for leaks during filling. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator will comply with the testing and re-inspection requirements and associated written standard operating procedures (SOP) listed on the design package. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Signs will be posted on the MLVT indicating that the contents are freshwater. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | The MLVT will be operated with a minimum of 1 foot of freeboard at all times. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Access to the MLVT will be limited to operational personnel and authorized regulatory agency personnel. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator or contractor will conduct daily visual inspections of the exterior wall and surrounding area for integrity deficiencies. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator has developed a contingency plan/emergency response plan associated with the MLVT and it is on file at their office. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Tanks will be filled using a local water source through temporary waterlines. No water will be trucked to location. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | A fabric reinforced liner will be utilized. In the event that a tank breach were to occur, the fabric reinforced liner will prevent a “zippering” failure from occurring. The liner will meet the specifications per the design package. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator acknowledges and will comply with the Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Policy on the Use of Modular Large Volume Tanks in Colorado dated June 13, 2014. |
Interim Reclamation | Form: (02A ) 401160960 6/28/2017 | Operator shall be responsible for segregating the topsoil, backfilling, re-compacting, reseeding, and re-contouring the surface of any disturbed area so as not to interfere with Owner’s operations and shall reclaim such area to be returned to pre-existing conditions as best as possible with control of all noxious weeds. |