Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.D: If required by the local government, a traffic plan shall be coordinated with the local jurisdiction prior to commencement of move in and rig up. Any subsequent modification to the traffic plan must be coordinated with the local jurisdiction. |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.S: At the time of construction, all leasehold roads shall be constructed to accommodate local emergency vehicle access requirements, and shall be maintained in a reasonable condition. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.P: All surface trash, debris, scrap or discarded material connected with the operations of the property shall be removed from the premises or disposed of in a legal manner. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.E: This will be a single well pad. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.Q: All guy line anchors left buried for future use shall be identified by a marker of bright color not less than four (4) feet in height and not greater than one (1) foot east of the guy line anchor. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.V: Where possible, operators shall provide for the development of multiple reservoirs by drilling on existing pads or by multiple completions or commingling in existing wellbores (see Rule 322). If any operator asserts it is not possible to comply with, or requests relief from, this requirement, the matter shall be set for hearing by the Commission and relief granted as appropriate. |
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | Per Rule 805: Oil & gas facilities and equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.N: Any material not in use that might constitute a fire hazard shall be removed a minimum of twenty-five (25) feet from the wellhead, tanks and separator. Any electrical equipment installations inside the bermed area shall comply with API RP 500 classifications and comply with the current national electrical code as adopted by the State of Colorado. An emergency response plan has been generated for this site. No CBL over slotted liner completion. |
Final Reclamation | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.T: Within ninety (90) days after a well is plugged and abandoned, the well site shall be cleared of all non-essential equipment, trash, and debris. For good cause shown, an extension of time may be granted by the Director. |
Final Reclamation | Form: (02A ) 400704015 1/15/2015 | RULE 604.c.U: The operator shall identify the location of the wellbore with a permanent monument as specified in Rule 319.a.(5). The operator shall also inscribe or imbed the well number and date of plugging upon the permanent monument. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c(2)M. Fencing: A meeting with the surface owner determined a fencing plan. This Operator owns this property and determined that no fencing is needed. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)J.i Blowout Prevention Equipment (“BOPE”): A double ram and annular preventer will be used during drilling. Stabbing valves shall be installed in the event of reverse circulation and shall be prior tested with low and high pressure fluid. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)N. Control of fire hazards: All material that is considered a fire hazard shall be a minimum of 25’ from the wellhead tanks or separators. Electrical equipment shall comply with API IRP 500 and will comply with the current national electrical code. |
Planning | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 317.r Statewide Wellbore Collision Prevention: Operator will perform an anti-collision evaluation of all active (producing, shut in, or temporarily abandoned) offset wellbores that have the potential of being within 150 feet of a proposed well prior to drilling operations for the proposed well. Notice shall be given to all offset operators prior to drilling. There are no offset wells within over 500' |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)S. Access Roads: The access road will be constructed to accommodate local emergency vehicles. This road will be maintained for access at all times. Traffic will be routed to minimize local interruption. Dust control measures will also be utilized. The Access Road is already in place for the NGL C5A well and the well pad is being expanded to accomodate the NGL C5B well. |
Traffic control | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)D: If required by the local government, a traffic plan shall be coordinated with the local jurisdiction prior to commencement of move in and rig up. Any subsequent modification to the traffic plan must be coordinated with the local jurisdiction. A Weld County Rig Move permit will be secured prior to rig move. The access road is already established and completely on this Operators property. |
General Housekeeping | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)P. Trash Removal: All trash, debris and material not intrinsic to the operation of the oil and gas facility shall be removed and legally disposed of as applicable. |
Dust control | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 805.c. Dust control measures will also be utilized: Operator shall employ practices for control of fugitive dust caused by their operations. Such practices shall include but are not limited to the use of speed restrictions, regular road maintenance, restriction of construction activity during high wind days, and water spreading as necessary. Additional management practices such as road surfacing, wind breaks and barriers may be used.
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 803. Light sources during all phases of operations will be directed downwards and away from occupied structures where possible. Once the drilling and completion rigs leave the site, there will be no permanently installed lighting on site as only a wellhead with a protective cover will be on site. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2).Q. All guy line anchors left buried for future use shall be identified by a marker of bright color not less than four (4) feet in height and not greater than one (1) foot east of the guy line anchor. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2).E. This will change from a single to a 2 well pad. |
Construction | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)A. Sound walls and/or hay bales will be used if necessary to surround the well site during drilling operations. The nearest building unit is 1857' away. |
Emissions mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)C.i. Green Completions - Emission Control System: Not applicable to a UIC well. |
Odor mitigation | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 805: Oil & gas facilities and equipment shall be operated in such a manner that odors and dust do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare. Odors will be managed by engine filters and NO well gas expected. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02A ) 401207416 5/15/2017 | 604.c.(2)L. Closed chamber drill stem tests shall be allowed. All other drill stem tests shall require approval by the Director. None planned for this well. |