Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Upon initial rig-up and at least once every thirty (30) days during drilling operations thereafter, pressure testing of the casing string and each component of the blowout prevention equipment including flange connections will be performed to seventy percent (70%) of working pressure or seventy percent (70%) of the internal yield of casing, whichever is less. Pressure testing shall be conducted and the documented results will be retained by the operator for inspection by the Director for a period of one (1) year. Activation of the pipe rams for function testing shall be conducted on a daily basis when practicable. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Adequate blowout prevention equipment will be used on all well servicing operations. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Backup stabbing valves shall be required on well servicing operations during reverse circulation. Valves shall be pressure tested before each well servicing operation using both low-pressure air and high-pressure fluid. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | No drill stem tests will be performed. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Prior to drilling operations, Crestone will perform an anti-collision scan of existing offset wells that have the potential of being within close proximity of the proposed well. This anti-collision scan will include definitive MWD or gyro surveys of the offset wells with included error of uncertainty per survey instrument, and compared against the proposed wellpath with its respective error of uncertainty. If current surveys do not exist for the offset wells, the Operator may have gyro surveys conducted to verify bottomhole location. The proposed well will only be drilled if the anti-collision scan results indicate that there is not a risk for collision, or harm to people or the environment. For the proposed well, upon conclusion of drilling operations, an as-constructed gyro survey will be submitted to COGCC with the Form 5. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Crestone will comply with the “COGCC Policy for Bradenhead Monitoring During Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in the Greater Wattenberg Area”, dated May 29, 2012. |
Drilling/Completion Operations | Form: (02 ) 401468976 3/21/2018 | Rule 317.p Logging Program
One of the first wells drilled on the pad will be logged with Open Hole Resistivity Log and Gamma Ray Log from the kick-off point to into the surface casing. All wells on the pad will have a cement bond log with gamma-ray run on production casing (or on intermediate casing if production liner is run) into the surface casing. The horizontal portion of every well will be logged with a measured-while-drilling gamma-ray log. The form 5, Completion Report, for each well on the pad will list all logs run and have those logs attached. The Form 5 for a well without open-hole logs shall clearly state "No open-hole logs were run" and shall clearly identify (by API#, well name & number) the well in which open-hole logs were run. |