Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400838489 11/7/2016 | Operator acknowledges the proximity of the listed wells. Operator assures that these offsets will be remediated per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy (option 4). Operator will submit a Form 42 (“OTHER – AS SPECIFIED BY PERMIT CONDITION”) stating that appropriate mitigation will be completed during the hydraulic stimulation of this well. This Form 42 shall be filed 48 hours prior to stimulation. A Bradenhead test will be performed prior to the beginning of stimulation and the Form 17 submitted within 10 days. Surface and production casing pressures will be actively monitored during stimulation. Operator will assure that the offset well’s Bradenhead is open and monitored during the entire stimulation treatment – a person will monitor for any evidence of fluid. If there is indication of communication between the stimulation treatment and the offset wells, treatment will be stopped and COGCC Engineering notified.
Newlander H Unit 1, API 05-001-09192
Newlander G Unit 1, API 05-001-09191 |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400838489 11/7/2016 | Operator acknowledges the proximity of the non-operated listed wells. Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1 or 2 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OFFSET MITIGATION COMPLETED”) stating that appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well.
05-001-06251, GUTHRIE ABNER 1 |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400838489 11/7/2016 | Bradenhead tests shall be performed according to the following schedule and the Form 17 submitted within 10 days of each test:
1) Within 60 days of rig release and prior to stimulation and
2) If a delayed completion, 6 months after rig release and prior to stimulation.
3) Within 30 days after first production, as reported on Form 5A. |
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400838489 11/7/2016 | 1) Submit Form 42 electronically to COGCC 48 hours prior to MIRU (spud notice) for the first well activity with a rig on the pad and provide 48 hour spud notice via Form 42 for all subsequent wells drilled on the pad.
2) Comply with Rule 317.j. and provide cement coverage from TD to a minimum of 200' above Niobrara and from 200’ below Sussex to 200’ above Sussex. Verify coverage with cement bond log. |
Permit | Form: (02 ) 400838489 12/21/2016 | This Permit to Drill is approved subject to all the BMPs and COAs on the most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequently approved Form 4 for the Oil and Gas Location (Location ID #440806). The most recently approved Form 2A and any subsequent Form 4s containing applicable COAs for this location shall be posted onsite during construction, drilling, and completions operations.
Engineer | Form: (02 ) 400838489 12/22/2016 | Operator acknowledges the proximity of the listed well. Operator agrees to: provide mitigation option 1 or 2 (per the DJ Basin Horizontal Offset Policy) to mitigate the situation, ensure all applicable documentation is submitted based on the selected mitigation option chosen, and submit a Form 42 (“OFFSET MITIGATION COMPLETED”) stating that appropriate mitigation occurred and that it has been completed, prior to the hydraulic stimulation of this well.
05-001-06980, HAAKE FRMS INC GU 1 |
Permit | Form: (04 ) 401379252 10/17/2017 | This Sundry Notice Form 4 authorizes changes in the drilling/casing/cementing program as shown on the Drilling Permit Form 2 and must be visibly posted with the permit during drilling. |
Permit | Form: (06 ) 401797275 10/25/2018 | Operator shall submit a Form 5 to report CIBP @ 13745' and CICR @ 13611' as identified in wellbore diagram attached to this Notice of Intent. Include wireline tickets and/or cement tickets. This Form 5 will be requested during the COGCC review of Batch 9 of the AOC Global Settlement. |
Permit | Form: (06 ) 401797275 10/25/2018 | Reported as-drilled lat/long does not match the Final Form 5. Submit accurate as-drilled GPS data on Subsequent Report of Abandonment. GPS data must meet the requirements of Rule 215. |
Engineer | Form: (06 ) 401797275 10/30/2018 | Operator shall implement measures to control unnecessary and excessive venting, to
protect the health and safety of the public, and to ensure that vapors and odors from
well plugging operations do not constitute a nuisance or hazard to public welfare.
Engineer | Form: (06 ) 401797275 10/30/2018 | 1) Provide 48 hour notice of plugging MIRU via electronic Form 42.
2) Prior to placing the 1,850' plug: verify that all fluid migration (liquid or gas) has been eliminated. If evidence of fluid migration or pressure remains, contact COGCC Engineer for an update to plugging orders.
3) After isolation has been verified, pump plug and displace. If cement is not circulated to surface, shut-in, WOC 4 hours then tag plug – must be at 1,663’ or shallower and provide 10 sack plug at surface.
4) Leave at least 100’ of cement in the wellbore for each plug.
5) Properly abandon on-location flowlines as per Rule 1105. File electronic Form 42 once abandonment is complete. Within 30 days of an operator completing abandonment requirements for an off-location flowline or crude oil transfer line, the operator must submit a Flowline Report, Form 44.
Engineer | Form: (06 ) 401797275 10/30/2018 | If there has not been a reported Bradenhead test within 60 days of plugging this well, prior to starting plugging operations, a Bradenhead test shall be performed.
1) If, before opening the Bradenhead valve, the beginning pressure is greater than 25
psi, sampling is required.
2) If pressure remains at the conclusion of the test, or if any liquids were present during
the test, sampling is required.
3) If sampling is required contact COGCC engineering for an confirmation of plugging
requirements prior to placing any plugs.
Sampling shall comply with Operator Guidance - Bradenhead Testing and Reporting
The Form 17 shall be submitted within 10 days of the test.